Job profile

Interior Designer

The interior designer works within architectural planning as a specialist in the design of living spaces. Interior designers specialize in the following areas: Space design, functional changes in existing buildings, additions and alterations, renovation and refurbishment of buildings, conservation of historic buildings, technical equipment, temporary structures such as exhibition and trade fair buildings, development of industrially produced furniture, objects, textiles, furnishing and exhibition systems, serial components and lighting systems.


Course structure

The Interior Design course has a modular structure. The individual modules are created by combining teaching areas from different subject groups to form thematically and chronologically rounded, self-contained didactic units that are awarded credits.

The bachelor's program is a condensed foundation course that lays the foundation for the basic areas of knowledge in interior design.

In the first year, design projects with a design focus are offered. The second year emphasizes the construction side of design. In the third year, design and construction are complemented by a focus on lighting design and a 20-week internship. In addition, the catalog of electives offers the opportunity to set one's own focus over 4 semesters starting in the 2nd year. The 7th semester focuses on the bachelor thesis.

Teaching takes place in the form of integrative project studies, whereby the specification of interior design topics is offered in the projects from the 4th semester onwards and in the subjects Fundamentals of Spatial Design and Creative Design from the 1st semester onwards. The first year is largely taught together with the architecture course.

The course content includes artistic-design, visual arts, engineering and scientific-theoretical subjects. The corresponding subject groups according to the pillar model are called:

  • Design + Projects
  • Construction + Technology
  • Presentation + Design
  • Theory + History

With this basic knowledge, a bachelor should be able to work on interior design tasks under supervision.


Practical phase

The bachelor's degree lasts 7 semesters, of which the 6th semester includes a 20-week internship. This internship is completed by the submission and presentation of the internship report, the creation of a sketchbook on the architecture of the city in which the internship was completed, as well as a term paper in architectural theory and a field trip. It is possible to interrupt the studies for a period of up to one year in order to complete an exceptional practical phase approved by the department.



The Bachelor's thesis is the final project of the course and is usually completed in the 7th semester. The aim is to demonstrate the student's ability to work independently on a professional problem using scientific and artistic methods within a specified time.

The Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design is a professional degree. 
However, it does not entitle the student to be entered on the list of interior designers maintained by the Chamber of Architects, and therefore B.A. graduates cannot use the professional title of "interior designer". Through the acquisition of appropriate methods and specialized knowledge in the field of interior design, the Bachelor of Arts degree is intended to qualify students for "non-independent work under supervision" in all service phases of the HOAI.

Further information via the Chamber of Architects

Darüber hinaus eröffnen sich Berufsmöglichkeiten in den Bereichen Baumanagement, Wohnungsverwaltung, Immobilienwirtschaft und in der öffentlichen Bauverwaltung.
Der B.A. Abschluss qualifiziert zur Aufnahme eines Studiums in den entsprechenden Masterstudiengängen dieser Hochschule sowie an anderen nationalen und internationalen Hochschulen, entsprechend deren jeweiligen Zulassungsbedingungen. 
Der erfolgreiche Studienabschluss ist eine Voraussetzung für ein Masterstudium, das eine individuelle Vertiefung ermöglicht.