Each core course lasts one semester. The assessment examination for that subject takes place at the end of the semester. If you pass the examination you can study at universities of applied sciences and universities.
Progress of studies
Important dates for the summer semester
- Online application deadline 15 October of the previous year
- All documents to be received by 15 November of the previous year
- You will receive access to the preparatory online courses for the entrance examination on acceptance to sit the entrance examination
- Entrance examination during the third week of January
- You must confirm your place at the Studienkolleg
- Classes start at the 1st working day of March
- Assessment test “Feststellungsprüfung” June / July
- Awards ceremony mid of July
- Application to universities by 15 July
Important dates for the winter semester
- Online application deadline 14 April
- All documents to be received by 15 May
- You will receive access to the preparatory online courses for the entrance examination on acceptance to sit the entrance examination
- Entrance examination during the second or third week of July
- You must confirm your place at the Studienkolleg
- Classes start at the 1st working day of September
- Assessment test “Feststellungsprüfung” November / December
- Awards ceremony mid of January
- Application to universities by 15 January