

2578 results:
  • Mach dein Ding! Finde deine Berufung auf der Ausbildungs- und Hochschulmesse Landau Am 16. und 17. Mai 2025 ist es endlich wieder soweit! Viele Unternehmen, Institutionen und Hochschulen stellen sich euch in der Jugendstil-Festhalle in Landau vor..
  • JETZT DURCHSTARTEN! - das erwartet dich: Ausbildungsplätze, Jobs, Studienplätze und Infos für deine Zukunft. Ein neuer Lebensabschnitt beginnt und Du hast die Wahl: Zu jobben, ein Praktikum zu machen, eine Ausbildung zu beginnen, zu studieren, zu reisen, Deine Sprachkenntnisse während eines Auslandaufenthaltes zu erweitern oder oder oder. Infos
  • 3. Homepage
    Date: 28.03.2025
    International Office t3://page?uid=4228 More information Department International Relations & Languages t3://page?uid=184 More information Deutschlandstipendium t3://page?uid=839 More information
  • Online Inter-Library Loans What is an online inter-library loan and what does it have to offer? The portal for online inter-library loans, officially known in German as “Deutscher Leihverkehr”, is a cooperative establishment by libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany for sharing and providing media. Media that is not present in the respe
  • 5. Learn English
    Date: 26.03.2025
    If you are looking to train your competence in using „the world’s lingua franca“, you have come to the right place: be it on your own or in groups, online or face-to-face. The programme of the department International Relations and Languages is aimed at all students, lecturers and staff at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences
  • 6. ZfA - Application
    Date: 26.03.2025
    Application 1. Applicants take the entrance test of the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) with selection of the Studienkolleg Kaiserslautern (specialising in technology or business). 2. Academic advisor send the applicants' data and test results to the secretariat of the Studienkolleg by e-mail within the deadline specified by the ZfA. 3
  • 7. ZfA
    Date: 26.03.2025
    Application 1. Applicants take the entrance test of the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) with selection of the Studienkolleg Kaiserslautern (specialising in technology or business). 2. Academic advisor send the applicants' data and test results to the secretariat of the Studienkolleg by e-mail within the deadline specified by the ZfA. 3
  • Your school/institution not found? You can select the Internationales Studienkolleg of Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences as your priority, even if you are taking the ZfA entrance test at a school other than those on this list! The application process is described here in the event that your German school abroad or similar takes part
  • 9. News - Events at a glance
    Date: 26.03.2025
    Events at a glance Date Start - End Event Location 02.04.2025 14:00 - 16:00 Welcome Event KL KL F1.007 02.04.2025 15:30 - 17:00 Welcome Event ZW ZW C120 10.04.2025 14:30 - 16:30 Welcome Event PS PS Atrium 07.05.2025 11:30 - 12:30 PS Info Erasmus Internship / Consultation hour Atrium 07.05.2025 13:30 - 14:30 ZW Info Event Erasmus Stay Abroad
  • ZfA entrance test for Studienkollegs The Internationales Studienkolleg at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences takes part in the entrance test for preparatory colleges organised by the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA). As a student at a German school abroad or similar, you can qualify to take part in a specialisation course at the
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