Benjamin Zacher, M. Eng.
Research Associate
Campus Kaiserslautern, Building F, Room F1.038 Phone: +49 631 3724-2242 E-Mail: benjamin.zacher(at)
Contact person
(Kopie 1)
Advice and services
Events and trade fairs
Services offered
We at the Department for Business and Transfer see our duties as three-fold: “advise - liaise - support” at the interface between the university and the local economy. We also carry out these duties in an external capacity, with businesses, asso
Services offered
We at the Department for Business and Transfer see our duties as three-fold: “advise - liaise - support” at the interface between the university and the local economy. We also carry out these duties in an external capacity, with businesses, associations, networks, etc., as well as an internal capacity, with professors, teachers, an
Events and trade fairs
Career Networking Fair The FiKoM Career Networking Fair is an annual event hosted by the Hochschule Kaiserslautern. It allows companies to introduce themselves to the students and graduates of the Hochschule Kaiserslautern and attract potential skilled employees for the future.
Students at the university can find out ab
INTERREG V a GR: MobiPro.GR - Steigerung der Studierendenmobilität in der Großregion MobiPro.GR hat zum Ziel, die grenzübergreifende berufliche Mobilität von Studierenden in der Großregion bereits im Studium zu fördern. Die Projektpartner unterstützen Studierende mit Infrastrukturen und Netzwerken, welche die Umsetzung grenzüberschr
Advice and services
Information and advice on the cooperative study model, KOSMO The cooperative study model, KOSMO, is the Hochschule Kaiserslautern's dual study model with integrated practical phases. The Department for Business and Transfer provides students, prospective students, and businesses with information and advice related to the mod
Declaration on my honour for "additional funding" in the Erasmus programme
I, MERGEFIELD bew_vorname \* MERGEFORMAT «first name» MERGEFIELD bew_nachname \* MERGEFORMAT «last name», born on MERGEFIELD bew_geb_dat \* MERGEFORMAT «date of birth», hereby confirm that I will spend my studies abroad at the Erasmus partner university MERGEFIELD
Declaration on my honour for "green travel" in the Erasmus programme
I, MERGEFIELD bew_vorname \* MERGEFORMAT «first name» MERGEFIELD bew_nachname \* MERGEFORMAT «last name», born on MERGEFIELD bew_geb_dat \* MERGEFORMAT «date of birth», hereby confirm that I will spend my studies abroad at the Erasmus partner university MERGEFIELD bew_
M.Sc. Aline Wagner Researchgate Informationbox
Research project: Utilisation of statistical approaches within the scope of lifetime prediction methods for notched specimens using the example of unalloyed steels
Scientific assistant
B. Eng. Vanessa Hayna
Research project: Micro- and nanostructured hard magnetic materials and components for microtechnical applications "MiNaMag"
Scientific assistant