Application SoSe 2026

The online application for the summer semester 2026 is open from 01.04.2025 until 15.10.2025.

Application Studienkolleg

If you do NOT have a direct higher education entrance qualification for studying in Germany, but have a foreign educational qualification and have to take the assessment test, you can apply for the INternationales Studienkolleg at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences.

If you are not sure whether you have a direct or indirect higher education entrance qualification for studying in Germany, you can check the admissions database of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Prospective students apply directly to the Studienkolleg.


  • Proof of German language skills (at least one language certificate at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (GER))
  • Academic evidence of admission to higher education by means of a university entrance examination in line with the evaluation criteria (BV) published on the anabin database

Note: The following describes the application process if you are taking the entrance exam at the Studienkolleg in Kaiserslautern or at one of our partner institutions outside Germany, NOT if you are taking the ZfA entrance test at your German school abroad.

1. Online application

Please complete all the sections of the online form carefully:

2. Application documents

Then send all documents by mail to:

Internationales Studienkolleg of Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences
PO Box 1573
67604 Kaiserslautern

or by courier to:

Internationales Studienkolleg of Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences
Schoenstraße 11
67659 Kaiserslautern

Please note:

  • Pay attention to the control list
    Only applications with complete application documents will be processed.
  • Do not send original documents, but copies.
  • All certificates from your home country are required both in the original language and in a German translation (unless the original language certificate is in English or French).
  • After admission to the Studienkolleg, proof of health insurance is also required.

Online application deadline

For summer semester:
15. October of the previous year

For winter semester:
14. April

Closing date for application documents

For summer semester:
15. November of the previous year

For winter semester:
15. May

Renewed application

Your application is only valid for one semester.

If your application documents are already complete in paper form, please complete the online application again and send us:

  • the new application form
  • the completed additional form
  • an updated curriculum vitae
  • newly acquired certificates


If you have a gmail address it is vital that you check your spam filter or junk mailbox regularly. Emails from the Studienkolleg are often automatically rejected without arriving in inboxes.