University Library

Customer-orientation and excellent services for our users are the highest priority at our University Library. A friendly demeanor and flexibility are what characterizes our contact with our users, we strive to attain a high level of availability and transparency, and place great importance on ensuring excellent service at all locations.

How to contact us

Phone: 0631/3724 -2131
eMail: bibliothek-kl(at)hs-kl(dot)de

Phone: 0631/3724-5133
eMail: bibliothek-zw(at)hs-kl(dot)de

Phone: 0631/3724-7075
eMail: bibliothek-ps(at)hs-kl(dot)de

Literature Stocks



Sie wollen wissen, welche Medien es zu Ihrem Thema an der Hochschulbibliothek gibt? Unser Discovery-System ermöglicht eine Medienrecherche im Bestand der Hochschulbibliothek und in weiteren Quellen. Im Discovery-System ist außerdem Ihr Nutzerkonto hinterlegt, um Ihre Medien zu verlängern.



Do you want to know what media are available in electronic form? Alongside our on-premise media stocks, we also provide a constantly growing collection of electronic media.


Inter-library loans

Do you require an item that is not in our University Library stocks? As we participate in the national inter-library loan scheme, we can ensure that you have access even to literature that is not available at the University Library.

Specialist information


Specialist portals

Are you looking for subject-specific literature or information, for example for research work? You can find quality sources of information at our Specialist Portals.


Open Access

Sie möchten Ihre Forschungsergebnisse ohne Beschränkung frei zugänglich machen? Hier finden Sie verschiedene Fördermöglichkeiten über die Hochschule.



Are you facing the challenge of writing an academic paper? The Citavi software offers support throughout the entire process, from collecting and managing literature, to task planning, structuring your work, right up to generating a bibliography.