The University Library of Kaiserslautern is constantly expanding its range of electronic media.
The electronic books licensed by the University of Kaiserslautern in the fields of technology, computer science, natural sciences, economics, business and economics, engineering are available in full text and can be searched via the Discovery system. Currently around 57,000 electronic books in German and English.
Access to electronic journals is possible via the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) and the Springer Link journal service. The EZB offers users free access to more than 47,000 eJournals from all subject areas.
In addition to our electronic journals for purchase, more than 7,500 scientific titles are available in electronic form through DEAL contracts with the publishers Wiley, Springer and Wiley. Furthermore, electronic journals can also be accessed in our licensed databases.
Free campus-wide access to all subject-specific databases licensed by the University Library and more than 4,000 databases freely available on the Internet can be accessed through DBIS.
Research and Access:
Electronic media are searchable through our Discovery System.
They are available to campus members and can also be accessed conveniently from your own PC at home via VPN access.
The texts for download are mostly in pdf format and can be read chapter by chapter or in their entirety using Acrobat Reader.
Important notes on use:
As a rule, the eMedia can be searched, saved, copied, and printed as often as desired for personal use as well as for teaching and research purposes. Please note, however, that you are not allowed to pass on the texts to third parties, neither in electronic nor in printed form, e.g. via eMail or FTP, and systematic downloading of articles or search results by bots/webcrawlers is prohibited. The terms of use on the homepages of the respective providers apply.