The Department for Research and Project Coordination
- supports applied research at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern, from applications for R&D projects, to presenting findings, right up to evaluating the findings;
- provides strategic support in the development of applied research;
- coordinates several university-wide and cross-university projects;
- provides services to the university’s Professors;
- coordinates research-related queries within the university and promotes networking.
Department for Research and Project Coordination

Dr. Susanne Schohl
- +49 631 3724-2159susanne.schohl(at)hs-kl(dot)de
- Campus Kaiserslautern
- Room F1.013
Am 25. Juni 2024 findet an der Hochschule Kaiserslautern, Campus Zweibrücken, der erste HAW-Forschungstag der rheinland-pfälzischen Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften statt. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, das Programm mitzugestalten: Geplant sind Parallelsessions mit Kurzvorträgen zu verschiedenen Themenbereichen, Posterpräsentationen und Videobeiträge sowie Exponate. Seien Sie dabei und reichen Sie uns Ihre Beiträge ein! Weitere Infos dazu finden Sie hier.
Department for Research and Project Coordination
For Researchers
within and outside of the university
For Prospective Project Partners
in existing or new projects
For Start-Up Entrepreneurs interested
in support services offered
Services offered
by the Department for Research and Project Coordination
About us
and our responsibilities and goals
Our Team
and their respective areas of responsibility and contact information