Application and enrollment deadlines

It is crucial to observe the following deadlines when applying or enrolling. What counts is when the documents arrive at the university, not the date of the postmark.

For an application, you must submit your application including all of the required documents. For an enrollment you must submit your enrollment including all of the required documents.


Enrolling for open entry courses
Applications for transferring from another university or to change degree course

Application deadlines

August 31st for the winter semester

February 28th for the summer semester


    Please make sure to register for the aptitude test if applying for Architecture, Interior Design or Virtual Design, if necessary, even if you are transferring from another university. Please contact the faculty in good time.

    Applications for restricted entry degree courses

    July 15th for the winter semester
    January 15th for the summer semester

    Enrollment for degree courses with an aptitude test
    June 1st Registration for the aptitude test with the faculty for Interior Design and Virtual Design

    July 15th  Registration for the aptitude test with the faculty for Architecture

    August 31st Enrolling once you have passed the aptitude test for Interior Design, Architecture and Virtual Design

    Applying with foreign education certificates
    There are no special deadlines in place for foreign applicants.

    Hochschul- bzw. Studiengangswechsel

    Bei einem Hochschulwechsel von einer anderen deutschen Hochschule oder einem Studiengangwechsel an unserer Hochschule ist zu prüfen, ob Ihnen bereits erbrachte Leistungen aus dem vorherigen Studium anerkannt werden können, so dass Sie in ein höheres Fachsemester eingestuft werden können (Quereinstieg). 


    July 15th for the winter semester




    Application deadlines

    July 15th for the winter semester
    January 15th for the summer semester




      MBA Fachbereich BW

      Die Fristen und Bewerbungsmodalitäten unserer MBA Studiengänge

      • Motorsport-Managemet
      • Sport-Management
      • Vertriebsingenieur
      • Marketing-Management
      • Innovations-Management
      • Intelligent Enterprise Management

      finden Sie hier:



      Financial Services Management

      May 31st for the winter semester

      December 1st for the summer semester

      International Management and Finance

      May 31st for the winter semester

      Mechanical Engineering / Mechatronics

      May 31st for the winter semester

      December 1st for the summer semester

      Refinement of Polymer and Composite Products

      May 31st for the winter semester

      November 15th for the summer semester



      15.01. für ein Sommersemester
      30.06. für ein Wintersemester

      Virtual Design
      15.12. für ein Sommersemester

      Financial Services Management
      01.12. für ein Sommersemester
      31.05. für ein Wintersemester

      International Management and Finance
      31.05. für ein Wintersemester

      01.12. für ein Sommersemester
      31.05. für ein Wintersemester

      Refinement of Polymer and Composite Products
      15.11. für ein Sommersemester
      31.05. für ein Wintersemester