As part of the ‘Increasing student success’ project, a number of diverse projects and measures have already been initiated, organised and implemented since 2016. Some of these have been implemented within the project itself, but also through close cooperation with university institutions, such as the Office for Quality in Teaching and Learning The aim of the various projects and measures is to enable students to contribute their concerns and ideas for the organisation of teaching and studies at the university. Various communication formats, such as Meet & Eat for students, are used to gather opinions, criticism and suggestions from students in order to incorporate the results into university development. Prospective students are also taken into account in the project. Potential students are supported in their choice of degree programme through the development of helpful tools. These serve, among other things, to impart knowledge about the individual profiles of the degree programmes at the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern. All projects and measures are aimed at increasing student satisfaction at HSKL.
However, it is not only students who are involved in promoting student success, but also teaching staff. Funding from the Higher Education Pact III provided the opportunity to tender for projects that serve to promote measures in teaching that specifically support, expand and improve good or better knowledge transfer. The project ‘Increasing student success’ is involved in the co-design of the criteria and the associated questions that are defined for the calls for funding projects and are intended to help applicants to correctly locate their project in the corresponding funding categories. In addition, the project communicates the content of the various funded projects both internally and externally within the university and initiates and creates various transfer opportunities for the project content. Another measure within the project that increases the quality of teaching and thus makes a positive contribution to student success is the awarding of the teaching award.
In addition to students and lecturers, the project also involves employees of the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern and companies in issues relating to student success. These stakeholders are also involved in the topic with supporting measures for employees to improve the findability of websites (content) for degree programme pages (online seminar metadata), Meet & Eat for assistants or by means of company surveys on expectations on the labour market.
Contact persons

- +49 631 3724-2376kathrin.kilian(at)hs-kl(dot)de
- Campus Kaiserslautern
- Room F3.010