

1863 results:
    Date: 05.05.2022
    Contact EMERGENCY AID PROGRAM ПРОГРАМА НАДАННЯ ЕКСТРЕННОЇ ДОПОМОГИ Трагічна ситуація, яка стрімко розвивається через війну в Україні, створює складні проблеми для багатьох постраждалих. Університет Прикладних Наук Кайзерслаутерна (Hochschule Kaiserslautern), коло друзів Університету та студентська спілка Кайзерслаутерна намагаються наразі швид
  • 802. Publications
    Date: 03.05.2022
    2020 M.S. Filipiak, D. Vetter, K. Thodkar, O. Gutiérrez-Sanz, M. Jönsson-Niedziółka, A. Tarasov, Electron transfer from FAD-dependent glucose dehydrogenase to single-sheet graphene electrodes, Electrochimica Acta. 330 (2020) 134998. M.-Á. García-Chamé, Ó. Gutiérrez-Sanz, E. Erc
  • Micro- and nanostructured hard magnetic materials and components for microtechnological applications Permanent magnets are used more and more in microtechnical products, especially for data storage, in energy and sensor technology as well as for transport and separating processes (e.g. in microfluidics). This large market is mostly served by r
  • Reliable, Software-Intensive Systems (ZUSIS) Software is becoming increasingly embedded in technical and organizational systems, and often takes on critical security tasks in those systems. The purpose of the Hochschule Kaiserslautern’s research focus area, “Reliable, Software-Intensive Systems” (German acronym: ZUSIS) is to develop technical an
  • 805. Project
    Date: 28.04.2022
    The NeurodegX project aims at the identification of novel drugs and mechanisms of action for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. A consortium of biotechnologically, cell-biologically and biomedically oriented scientists from three universities (HS Kaiserslautern, JGU Mainz, TUKaiserslautern) is working on the identification, isolation
  • 806. News
    Date: 28.04.2022
    5. eHealth-Symposium Southwest 2022 eHealth Symposium Southwest 2022 on 12 January 2022 provides a platform for active exchange between experts on innovative solutions for the use of digital technology in healthcare. Further information.... To registration Booster for Business Processes The University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern invite
  • Publications Prof. Dr. rer. medic. Norbert Rösch Publications (a selection) Books and book entries N. Rösch, L. Spassova, D. Vittore, D.W. Droste, Computerunterstütztes Lifestyle-Coaching ergänzt die telemedizinische Kontrolle zerebro-kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktoren, in: Nutzung, Nutzer, Nutzen von Telematik in Der Gesundheitsversorgung – Eine S
  • Profile 629 Members 636 Projects 631 Expertise 632 Publications 633 News 634
  • 809. Publications
    Date: 26.04.2022
    Contact ZUSIS Publications Get here an insight into the publications of the members of our research focus area. Prof. Dr. Thomas Allweyer Prof. Dr. Bastian Beggel Prof. Dr. Manfred Brill Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Conrad Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Alexander Lavrov Publications Prof. Dr. rer. medic. Norbert Rösch Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schiefer
  • 810. Publications
    Date: 26.04.2022
    Publications of professors of the research focus area HTS Below you find the latest publications of the HTS research focus members. Contact HTS
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