The course led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Rühl and BAR Michael Biehl takes place in cooperation with the Department of Building and Design at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences.
On this course, you will learn everything about hazard prevention, fire protection planning, planning and assessment, fire protection engineering procedures and fire protection in existing buildings. You will also gain a great deal of expertise in the fields of law and economics. Methodological skills are also taught, e.g. how to conduct yourself in presentations to clients.
Information about the course
- Part-time - dual study program (attendance and self-study)
- 2 attendance weeks per semester
- 5 semesters (4 semesters for certificate)
- Modular structure
- High practical orientation
- Intermediate degrees
- Expert certificate from the HS Kaiserslautern
- OLAT learning platform of the Virtual Campus Rhineland-Palatinate (VCRP)
- Study in small groups, max. 26 participants
Further information: TAS | Technische Akademie Südwest e.V.
Studiengangsleitung: "TAS Weiterbildungsstudiengang TAS Bauschäden Baumängel und Instandsetzungsplanung, Master" "TAS Weiterbildungsstudiengang TAS Vorbeugender Brandschutz, Master", Vorsitz Prüfungsausschuss: "Bauingenieurwesen, Bachelor" "Bauingenieurwesen - dual, Bachelor" "Bauingenieurwesen Fachrichtung Baubetrieb, Master" "Bauingenieurwesen Fachrichtung Infrastruktur, Master" "Bauingenieurwesen Fachrichtung Konstruktiv, Master", Fachbereichsrat BG, Prüfungsausschuss BI FB BG
- +49 631 3724-4777marcus.ruehl(at)hs-kl(dot)de
- Campus Kaiserslautern
- Room B225
Lehrbeauftragte*r Bauen und Gestalten, Mitarbeiter FB BG, TAS
- andreas.schraag(at)hs-kl(dot)de
- Campus Kaiserslautern