

2552 results:
  • Mach dein Ding! Finde deine Berufung auf der Ausbildungs- und Hochschulmesse Landau Am 16. und 17. Mai 2025 ist es endlich wieder soweit! Viele Unternehmen, Institutionen und Hochschulen stellen sich euch in der Jugendstil-Festhalle in Landau vor..
  • JETZT DURCHSTARTEN! - das erwartet dich: Ausbildungsplätze, Jobs, Studienplätze und Infos für deine Zukunft. Ein neuer Lebensabschnitt beginnt und Du hast die Wahl: Zu jobben, ein Praktikum zu machen, eine Ausbildung zu beginnen, zu studieren, zu reisen, Deine Sprachkenntnisse während eines Auslandaufenthaltes zu erweitern oder oder oder. Infos
  • Consent to participate in a course (including excursion) The course listed below is a mandatory course with compulsory attendance. In order to participate as a pregnant or breastfeeding student, the following declaration must be submitted in writing to the instructor before the start of the course. Last name: First name: Date of birth: Student
  • Information Sheet on the Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG) – Information for Lecturers and Supervisors With the revision of the Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG) on January 1, 2018, it also applies to pregnant and breastfeeding students. We kindly ask you, as a lecturer or supervisor, to observe the following: 1. Notification of Pregnancy and Brea
  • Notification of Pregnancy or Birth of a Child I hereby notify Hochschule Kaiserslautern of my pregnancy or the birth of my child. Last name: ________________________________First name(s): Date of birth: _________________________ ___________________________ Student ID number: ________________________ Study program: __________________________ Sem
  • Exams During Pregnancy and the Statutory Maternity Protection Periods This section outlines the various options and the organizational handling of exams during pregnancy and the statutory maternity protection periods (6 weeks before and 8 weeks after the birth of the child / 12 weeks after a premature or multiple birth). Please note that the exami
  • Process Flow: Reporting a Pregnancy – Employees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • Employee: Reporting a pregnancy via PDF form to the responsible administrative officer. • The administrative officer informs the supervisor (if necessary), the occupational safety specialist (, and the State Office for Finance. • The administrative officer informs th
  • Studying During Pregnancy If you wish to continue studying during your pregnancy, it is advisable to notify the university about your pregnancy. Only then will you be entitled to maternity protection regulations, and the university can take effective measures to safeguard your health and that of your baby. If you would like informal and confiden
  • Leave of Absence Semester You have the option to take a leave of absence during pregnancy or while caring for a child, including consecutive semesters if needed. A leave of absence can be applied for directly through the portal up until the start of the lecture period for the relevant semester. No additional forms are required. Only in exceptio
  • Notification of Pregnancy According to Section 15, Paragraph 1 of the Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG), pregnant students and students with newborns at the university are required to notify the university of their pregnancy, including the expected due date or the birth. However, there is no obligation to report. To effectively protect your
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