

Overview of materials.

Structure of materials:
Atomic structure, bonding types, atomic bonds, crystal structure, defects in crystalline structures, amorphous and partially crystalline structures, solidification mechanisms, mechanical properties.

Element concentrations, phases and microstructures, state diagrams, law of lever arms, binary and ternary metal alloys.

Material testing:
Tensile test on metals and polymer materials, hardness test methods, notched bar impact test, fatigue.

Polymer materials:
Generation of macromolecular chains, principles of macromolecules, polymer material classes, properties and selection.

The following lab courses are currently offered:

V1: Tensile deformation behaviour of metallic materials
V2: Tensile deformation behaviour of polymer materials
V3: Hardness test
V4: Charpy notched bar impact test
V5: Optical stress analysis
V6: Light microscopic microstructural analysis of hypoeutectoid steels
V7: Fatigue
V8: Material surface topography


Austenite transformation: 
hardenability of steels.

Residual stresses. 

Selected heat treatments.

Important construction materials:
Structural steels, heat-treatable steels, case-hardening steels, nitriding steels, low-temperature materials, high-temperature materials, polymers, ceramic materials, wood, vulcanized fibre.   

Thin film technology (PVD, CVD). 

Deformation behaviour at high temperatures:



Introduction to materials testing.

Differentiation between non-destructive and destructive test methods.

Measuring methods and transducers. 

Interaction between structure and sensor.

Deformation behaviour caused by fatigue.




Introduction into durability growth concepts and their implication on warranty costs & profit.

Dynamic loading of structures and components.

Load data and time-history analyses. 

Operational stresses and counting methods.

Load/stress spectrum.

Computation of damage and damage accumulation.

Major parameters in structural durability: materials selection, manufacturing processes, operational loads, component design and joining technology.

Experimental methods for structural durability.

Numerical simulation for structural durability. 


The following lab courses are currently offered:

V1: Optical stress analysis

V2: Notch tensile test

V3: X-ray diffractometry

V4: Fatigue

Bachelor BbB


Overview of materials.

Structure of materials:
Atomic structure, bonding types, atomic bonds, crystal structure, defects in crystalline structures, amorphous and partially crystalline structures, solidification mechanisms, mechanical properties.

Element concentrations, phases and microstructures, state diagrams, law of lever arms, binary and ternary metal alloys.

Material testing:
Tensile test on metals and polymer materials, hardness test methods, notched bar impact test, fatigue.

Polymer materials:
Generation of macromolecular chains, principles of macromolecules, polymer material classes, properties and selection.

The following lab courses are currently offered:

V1: Tensile deformation behaviour of metallic materials
V2: Hardness test
V3: Charpy notched bar impact test
V4: Light microscopic microstructural analysis of hypoeutectoid steels



Studiengangsleitung: "Maschinenbau, Bachelor" "Mechatronik, Bachelor" "Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Bachelor", Fachbereichsrat AING


Fachausschuss Studium und Lehre AING, Assistent FB AING, Fachbereichsrat AING, Prüfungsausschuss AING Bachelor


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Projects to improve the quality of teaching

The following projects could be realized with SQL subsidies of the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern:

  • Purchase of a heat treatment furnace for the materials science laboratory (completed)
  • Presentation unit to promote the interactive learning process (completed)
  • Use of Virtual Reality in laboratory training for materials and materials testing (joint project with Prof. Jens Schuster, Matthias Pfaff, completed)
  • Innovative practice and internship opportunities (joint project with Prof. Jens Schuster, Prof. Matthias Pfaff, ongoing).