Studying with Disabilities/Impairments

Starting university marks the beginning of a new chapter in life. It means leaving behind school and classmates to step into a completely new situation, filled with entirely new and often unfamiliar challenges. While this transition can bring excitement, it may also come with some anxieties.

For those who are additionally affected by a disability or a chronic illness, the barriers can extend far beyond the everyday concerns. However, this should never discourage anyone from pursuing their dreams and starting a university education.

Our goal is, therefore, particularly the implementation of Article 24 (Paragraph 5) of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which states that “persons with disabilities must have access to general higher education, vocational training, adult education, and lifelong learning without discrimination and on an equal basis with others. To this end, the States Parties shall ensure that reasonable accommodations are provided for persons with disabilities.

Inclusion Agreement of the University

The Inclusion Agreementis a written agreement between the employer, the Representative for Severely Disabled Employees, the Staff Council, and the Office for Diversity Management. Its goal is to promote the equal participation of people with disabilities in the workplace and in academia, as well as to establish measures for accessibility and equal opportunities.

We aim to provide students with disabilities or chronic illnesses with comprehensive and personalized counseling and support services. These are designed to ensure equitable study conditions, equal participation in student life, and, ultimately, the ability to navigate their studies as independently and successfully as possible.

According to the 22nd Social Survey conducted by the German National Association for Student Affairs (DSW), 16% of students face difficulties in their studies due to physical or health impairments. However, only 3% of the affected students have impairments that are immediately noticeable. If you are unsure whether your condition qualifies, you can find more information on the pages of the Student Services organization.

Please contact us as soon as you show interest in studying so that we can discuss the various support options with you early on and ensure your barrier-free participation in seminars and other events.


Office Hours

We are happy to offer in-person consultations again. Please schedule an appointment with us for this.

Consultations are also available via email, phone, or Zoom. Additionally, we offer an open consultation hour every Monday from 12:00 to 14:00 via BigBlueButton.



Campus Kaiserslautern & Pirmasens


Behindertenbeauftragte für Studierende

Campus Zweibrücken & Pirmasens


Mitarbeiterin Stabsstelle Diversitätsmanagement, Behindertenbeauftragte für Studierende, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte

Representative Body for Employees with Severe Disabilities


Schwerbehindertenvertretung Mitarbeiter, Werkstatt