Additional Support Services and Useful Information

Here, we have gathered a few valuable contacts specific to your study location. These organizations possess in-depth knowledge on a wide range of topics and can provide recommendations regarding organizational barriers, such as finding funding opportunities. They also have information on inclusive leisure activities and networking opportunities.


The Supplementary Independent Participation Counseling (EUTB®)

The EUTB supports you with questions about participation. Here, you’ll find knowledgeable contacts who themselves have disabilities and can therefore offer advice from a unique perspective. They provide answers on all aspects of participation and offer many helpful tips, from applying for various assistive devices to leisure activities in your local area. Additionally, the staff are well-connected and include experts on a wide range of conditions, ensuring tailored advice for your needs.

At the Kaiserslautern location, Ms. Dinger and Mr. Riedl are available to assist you, while Ms. Edrich is happy to provide support for Zweibrücken and Pirmasens.

KaiserslauternPirmasens and Zweibrücken
Stephan RiedlKarin Landenberger

Tel: 0174-1551889

Tel: 0633 114459-13


Setting up a WeShared ID significantly simplifies the online booking of (accessible) services in everyday life. The accessible WeShared platform offers a variety of services in the areas of culture, sports, and mobility for direct booking. The aim is to digitize and optimize all application processes specifically for people with disabilities. Simply download the App, authenticate, and get started.


The Rehadat website provides comprehensive knowledge on professional participation. With fourteen portals, numerous publications, apps, and seminars, REHADAT serves as the central independent source of information on professional inclusion and participation for people with disabilities. The resources are designed for those affected and anyone advocating for their professional inclusion. All offerings are accessible and free of charge.

Additionally, you can find many useful tools, such as the accessible REHADAT Funding Finder App, which helps identify funding opportunities at both the national and state levels.



Inklupreneur aims to create more job opportunities for people with disabilities, foster the development of an Inklupreneur community in Germany, and demonstrate that inclusion is both achievable and straightforward. You can find current job openings for people with disabilities here.

iXNet, Federal Employment Agency

iXNet is a network by and for academics with disabilities. Its services include networking, counseling, and exchange opportunities, as well as supporting individuals with disabilities who hold academic degrees in their career planning.


The Betanet website is the largest portal for psychosocial and social law information in the healthcare sector. To help you navigate our complex and often difficult-to-understand healthcare system, understand your rights, and access additional support, it provides answers to many important questions.

Disability Representatives of the Cities Kaiserslautern, Pirmasens, Zweibrücken

Disability Representative of the City of KaiserslauternRepresentative for the Affairs of People with Disabilities in the City of Pirmasens

Representative for the Affairs of People with Disabilities in the City of Zweibrücken

Website of the Disability RepresentativeWebsite of the Disability RepresentativeWebsite of the Disability Representative
Steffen GriebeBerthold GöllnerGerd Kauffeld


T +49631 365-2259


T +496331 84-2458


T +49 6332 871-187

Rubin Inclusion Counseling

KaiserslauternPirmasens und Zweibrücken
Rubin gGmbH Inclusion Counseling KaiserslauternRubin gGmbH Inclusion Counseling Southwest Palatinate Pirmasens
T +49 631 414 -7130  T +49 6331 515 - 40