

1865 results:
  • 421. PhDs - PhD students
    Date: 31.03.2020
    PhD students
  • 422. Search for full texts
    Date: 03.04.2020
    Search for full texts To find freely accessible databases, please use the database information system DBIS. To search for freely accessible electronic journals, you can use the EZB and the DOAJ directory. The publishing house JSTOR also offers access to more than 50 journals in Open Access and 6,000 freely accessible eBooks You can a
  • 423. Research
    Date: 06.04.2020
    Further information: Research at the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences The Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences offers attractive research areas for guest researchers in the fields of engineering, economics, design, health, and computer science. Contact Department for Research and Project Coordination How do you proceed?
  • 424. Internship_out
    Date: 07.04.2020
    Further information: Who can support me in my search? What funding opportunities are there? Your internship abroad Discover a foreign country on the job: You can gain work experience, experience different ways of working, develop valuable career opportunities - and meet lots of new people along the way. How do I proceed? Look for an int
  • 425. Internship_in
    Date: 07.04.2020
    Further information: Internship@HSKL You can complete an internship at the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences in one of the five departments: Department of Applied Engineering Department of Applied Logistics and Polymer Sciences Department of Building and Design Department of Business Administration Department of Computer
  • 426. Guest lecture_in
    Date: 07.04.2020
    Further information: Guest lecture at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences The Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences is an attractive destination for guest lecturers from all over the world thanks to its diverse range of study courses: Department of Applied Engineering Department of Applied Logistics and Polymer Sciences
  • 427. International Staff Training_in
    Date: 07.04.2020
    Contact Team of the International Office Previous Staff Trainings Best Practice Days Date "Promoting Internationalisation through Joint Research" 04.-06.06.2024 "Chances & Challenges in Double Degree Programmes" 07.-09.11.2023 "The Future of Mobility" (online) 14.10.2021 "Admission & Student Services" (online) 25.02.2021 "E-Learning" 17.-20.
  • 428. Energy - Research Area: Energy
    Date: 14.04.2020
    Research Area: Energy The implementation of the Energiewende is one of the central topics of the Federal Government, which is crystallized, among other things, in the 6th Energy Research Program. The efficient conversion, transfer and use of energy plays a key role in this. In the field of efficient energy conversion, the main focus is on regenera
  • Facilities & Equipment "Lightweight Design" The equipment of the IKW at the location Pirmasens is according to the expert opinion of the ASIIN on university level: Ultrasonic testing system with diving tank lateral / rotary, 0.5 - 30 MHz Ultrasonic testing system with air coupling 200 kHz Universal testing machine Zwick 20 kN with optical
  • 430. Provider
    Date: 16.04.2020
    English Provider Country Location Link Atlantic Ireland Galway, Dublin Cork English College Ireland Cork ETI Republik Malta St. Julians NILE England Norwich
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