

1859 results:
  • 1601. StudiumGenerale@HSKL
    Date: 15.04.2019
    Archive Past events Topic; Speaker; Location; Streaming access; Date & time; Language German training for beginners, group 1; Dr. Elena Tregubova; Online; Registration; From 04.10.2021, 14.15-16.45; German German training for beginners, group 2; Dr. Elena Tregubova; Online; Registration; From 05.10.2021, 14.15-16.45; German Speaking Club Germa
  • 1602. Research
    Date: 10.04.2019
    Research The research we carry out is interdisciplinary, application-oriented, and ensures the future viability of the university with its unique range of courses offered. It covers a broad spectrum of socially-relevant topics and issues, and generally takes place in cooperation with industry partners. Research environment and infrastructure The
  • From entry requirements to course start... Once you have looked at the courses of study we offer and chosen a degree course, you must take the next steps towards securing your study place. The first step here is to take a look at the entry requirements. These are your ticket for joining the study course and must be thoroughly inspected. The next s
  • 1604. Entry Requirements
    Date: 25.01.2019
    Entry Requirements Before you apply or enroll to study at our university, it is essential that you check whether you meet the entry requirements for your desired course of study. Here, we have created an overview of the various entry options and some special requirements. Please contact us for further information.   School qualificat
  • 1605. Deadlines
    Date: 25.01.2019
    Application and enrollment deadlines It is crucial to observe the following deadlines when applying or enrolling. What counts is when the documents arrive at the university, not the date of the postmark. For an application, you must submit your application including all of the required documents. For an enrollment you must submit your enrollment
  • Open entry or aptitude test? Apart from the subjects of  Architecture, Interior Design and Virtual Design, all Bachelor’s degree courses at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern are open entry and therefore do not require an aptitude test. Applying for a Bachelor’s degree course Would you like to pursue a Bachelor’s degree at our university? F
  • Important note As each Master’s degree course has its own individual entry requirements, please check the entry requirements for your desired subject before accessing the application portal. Applying for a Master’s degree course Please select the correct application procedure, which is based on which country you fulfilled the entry requiremen
  • 1608. Important Documents
    Date: 25.01.2019
    Proof of health insurance enrolment without health insurance is not possible. You must request proof of insurance from your health insurance company before enrolment. If you are not legally insured, request proof of insurance from any statutory health insurance company. •             the p
  • Important note When applying, please ensure that you will be able to begin your studies punctually. Everything takes a little time: Transferring the fee Inspection of your application documents Visa application Enrollment Questions? Applicants with foreign education certificates can ask their questions about their application docume
  • Taster sessions for schoolgirls in the HS KL’s STEM MENTORING Program The difficult matter of choosing a subject to study requires more than a short discussion. Therefore, the HS KL will offer several taster days, in which you can engage intensively  with the matter of choosing which course to study. You can choose from any of the STEM subjec
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