Funding of Hochschule Kaiserslautern
Name of Grant Date of provision Issuing committee Funding / Year (€) Recipient Budget for Research and Innovation Invitations are sent by email to all professors Research Committee Approx. 240,000 All teaching staff Basic Materials Grant February
More information on the funding sources
Budget for Research and Innovation The internal Budget for Research and Innovation at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern serves as start-up financing for externally funded projects and can also be used to bridge the gap between two projects. It is primarily intended to enable newly appointed colleagues, or tho
Who can support me in my search?
Internship in Europe The Agency for International University Mobility Rhineland-Palatinate is a partner of the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences. Here you will find help in finding an internship place within Europe and will be supported in applying for Erasmus funding for your internship.
Here you
Merkblatt Mutterschutzgesetz (MuSchG) Informationen für Lehrende und Vorgesetzte Mit der Novellierung des Mutterschutzgesetzes zum 01.01.2018 gilt dieses auch für schwangere und stillende Studentinnen. Wir bitten Sie, als Lehrende*r oder Vorgesetzte*r, folgendes zu beachten: 1. Mitteilung von Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit Studentinnen und Mitarbeit
Projects in Research Area IMS
PepSensE Peptid-basierte Sensorplattform für Immundiagnostik in Echtzeit
Contact: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Bufe Prof. Dr. phil. Alexey Tarasov
Project duration: 2020 – 2025
As part of the "Skills4chips" project, the national educational academy Microtec Academy is being established, focusing on the fields of mechanical engineering (ME) and microsystems technology (MST). This academy pursues innovative concepts and structures and is supported by a strong interregional network. The goal is to attract and f
As part of the "Skills4chips" project, the national educational academy Microtec Academy is being established, focusing on the fields of mechanical engineering (ME) and microsystems technology (MST). This academy pursues innovative concepts and structures and is supported by a strong interregional network. The goal is to attract and f
r-LightBioCom New bio-based and sustainable raw materials enabling circular value chains of high performance lightweight biocomposites
Contact: Prof. PhD Sergiy Grishchuk
Project duration: 2023 - 2026 t3://page?uid=8400 Waste2Biocomp Waste2Biocomp
Contact: Prof. Dr. Gregor Grun
Project duration: 2022 - 2025 t3://pa
Blue2Value - A renewable blue for healthy colors
The aim of the Blue2Value joint project is to develop and demonstrate processes that produce valuable extractives for the natural dye industry from cyanobacterial residues. End-of-life substances such as CO2 and waste are to be converted into new starting products such as the natural dyes of phycobi
Blue2Value - A renewable blue for healthy colors
The aim of the Blue2Value joint project is to develop and demonstrate processes that produce valuable extractives for the natural dye industry from cyanobacterial residues. End-of-life substances such as CO2 and waste are to be converted into new starting products such as the natural dyes of phycobi