

2554 results:
  • Mach dein Ding! Finde deine Berufung auf der Ausbildungs- und Hochschulmesse Landau Am 16. und 17. Mai 2025 ist es endlich wieder soweit! Viele Unternehmen, Institutionen und Hochschulen stellen sich euch in der Jugendstil-Festhalle in Landau vor..
  • JETZT DURCHSTARTEN! - das erwartet dich: Ausbildungsplätze, Jobs, Studienplätze und Infos für deine Zukunft. Ein neuer Lebensabschnitt beginnt und Du hast die Wahl: Zu jobben, ein Praktikum zu machen, eine Ausbildung zu beginnen, zu studieren, zu reisen, Deine Sprachkenntnisse während eines Auslandaufenthaltes zu erweitern oder oder oder. Infos
  • student projects Evaluation of the influence by electrochemical and mechanical polishing of sample surfaces on the Kerr effect Type of call: Announcement of a practical study phase (15 ECTS) at WWHK Announcement of a practical study phase + bachelor thesis/ master thesis 30 ECTS R&D module at WWHK Announcement of a research &
  • Conceptual design and construction of an adapter plate for the mechanical examination of steel cables and creation of evaluation criteria for the remaining service life As a result of fatigue processes in metallic materials, material failure can already occur determined strength parameters. Consequently, an in-depth understanding of the microstruct
  • Admission procedure and documents   Admission procedure Assessment criteria: Professional aptitude: Bachelor's/Diploma degree in Architecture with an overall grade of at least 2.6 Personal aptitude: high motivation, special commitment, Portfolio: a suitable selection of your own projects The online applicationfor the Master's p
  • Master's application interview The selection interview is intended to determine the applicant's personal suitability for the Master's degree program in Architecture. Personal aptitude should be demonstrated by a pronounced interest in the Master's degree program in Architecture, a correspondingly high level of motivation and particular commitmen
  • 7. summer school - Your choice
    Date: 07.03.2025
    Your choice What? Who? When? Where? Deadline Further information ASSIST HEIDI Summer School for Accessible Gaming UAS Technikum Wien 07.-15.07.2025 Vienna, Austria 16.03.2025 iFAST Challenge-Based Innovation 2025 - Accelerators for Healthcare esi European Scientific Institute 22.-3
  • Application information Bachelor of Architecture Admission to the program requires a general qualification for university entrance as evidenced by a university entrance qualification certificate (general or subject-specific) or a certificate recognized as equivalent by law or by the competent state authority. The application for the Bachelor's d
  • 9. Projects - Projects
    Date: 06.03.2025
  • Projects in Research Area IMS PepSensE Peptid-basierte Sensorplattform für Immundiagnostik in Echtzeit Contact: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Bufe Prof. Dr. phil. Alexey Tarasov Project duration: 2020 – 2025
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