Mach dein Ding! Finde deine Berufung auf der Ausbildungs- und Hochschulmesse Landau
Am 16. und 17. Mai 2025 ist es endlich wieder soweit!
Viele Unternehmen, Institutionen und Hochschulen stellen sich euch in der Jugendstil-Festhalle in Landau vor..
JETZT DURCHSTARTEN! - das erwartet dich:
Ausbildungsplätze, Jobs, Studienplätze und Infos für deine Zukunft.
Ein neuer Lebensabschnitt beginnt und Du hast die Wahl: Zu jobben, ein Praktikum zu machen, eine Ausbildung zu beginnen, zu studieren, zu reisen, Deine Sprachkenntnisse während eines Auslandaufenthaltes zu erweitern oder oder oder.
student projects
Evaluation of the influence by electrochemical and mechanical polishing of sample surfaces on the Kerr effect Type of call:
Announcement of a practical study phase (15 ECTS) at WWHK
Announcement of a practical study phase + bachelor thesis/ master thesis 30 ECTS R&D module at WWHK
Announcement of a research &
Conceptual design and construction of an adapter plate for the mechanical examination of steel cables and creation of evaluation criteria for the remaining service life As a result of fatigue processes in metallic materials, material failure can already occur determined strength parameters. Consequently, an in-depth understanding of the microstruct
Admission procedure and documents
Admission procedure
Assessment criteria:
Professional aptitude: Bachelor's/Diploma degree in Architecture with an overall grade of at least 2.6 Personal aptitude: high motivation, special commitment, Portfolio: a suitable selection of your own projects
The online applicationfor the Master's p
Master's application interview
The selection interview is intended to determine the applicant's personal suitability for the Master's degree program in Architecture.
Personal aptitude should be demonstrated by a pronounced interest in the Master's degree program in Architecture, a correspondingly high level of motivation and particular commitmen
Your choice
What? Who? When? Where? Deadline Further information
ASSIST HEIDI Summer School for Accessible Gaming UAS Technikum Wien 07.-15.07.2025 Vienna, Austria 16.03.2025
iFAST Challenge-Based Innovation 2025 - Accelerators for Healthcare esi European Scientific Institute 22.-3
Application information Bachelor of Architecture
Admission to the program requires a general qualification for university entrance as evidenced by a university entrance qualification certificate (general or subject-specific) or a certificate recognized as equivalent by law or by the competent state authority.
The application for the Bachelor's d
Projects in Research Area IMS
PepSensE Peptid-basierte Sensorplattform für Immundiagnostik in Echtzeit
Contact: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Bufe Prof. Dr. phil. Alexey Tarasov
Project duration: 2020 – 2025