

1866 results:
  • Du stehst kurz vor dem Sprung ins Berufsleben oder möchtest ein Studium beginnen, aber weißt nicht welche Ausbildung oder welcher Studiengang zu dir passt? Oder möchtest du dich gerne weiterbilden oder deinen Schulabschluss nachholen? Dann lass dir die Sprungbrett nicht entgehen – die Messe für Ausbildung, Studium und Weiterbildung in Ludwigshafen
  • 2. BIM Rheinhessen
    Date: 13.09.2024
    Entdecke deinen Traumberuf! Das können Schülerinnen und Schüler bei der BIM Rheinhessen. Interessante Berufs- und Studienangebote mit großartigen Zukunftsaussichten, werden gemeinsam mit Informationen und Tipps rund um die Themen "Ausbildung und Studium" präsentiert.
  • Unentschlossen? Die "ZAM" bietet Orientierung auf der Suche nach Ausbildungs- und Studienmöglichkeiten und weiteren Maßnahmen, z.B. Freiwilligendienste.
  • 4. Short Exchange - Current offers
    Date: 22.07.2024
    Current offers What? Who? When? Where? Application deadline Further information International Business Week Bachelor students of business administration & management 10.-14.03.2025 Kaiserslautern 30.11.2024 programme
  • International Business Week/ BIP 10th - 14th March 2025 Campus Kammgarn, Kaiserslautern The IBW is a project that takes place annually at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern. For more than 10 years, international students and lecturers have been joining to participate in an international exchange. Join now! Package includes IBW/BIP Pr
  • The Department for PR Activities/School Contacts The Department for PR Activities/School Contacts informs the public and the media about current developments within the university using measures such as press releases, the university magazine, and social media channels, and also assists in networking between media representatives and members of the
  • Double Degree at the University West in Trollhättan Due to a stay abroad at the University West in Trollhättan (Sweden) you can earn a Double Degree under certain requirements. University West will award a M. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Hochschule Kaiserslautern a M. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics. Your stay abroad at Universit
  • 8. International Programmes
    Date: 15.07.2024
    You can also study cooperative at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences as an international student in the programme KOSMO To all study programmes of the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences click here All Study Programmes t3://page?uid=11 _blank Double Degree Programmes t3://page?uid=4440 _blank Study coopera
  • 9. Master Applied Life Sciences
    Date: 12.07.2024
    Similar courses Systems Engineering for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems or Biomedical Micro Engineering Our Master is different - a Master as individual as you are! With us, the course is not predetermined, but you choose from modules and thus compose your individual course of study. 90 ECTS have to be achieved in total, 8
  • 10. Bachelor Applied Life Sciences
    Date: 12.07.2024
    Similar courses Biomedical Micro Engineering  The Biomedical Micro Engineering degree program, which is unique in Germany, combines technical understanding with biomedical knowledge to improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases using technical methods. A particular focus of the study program in Zweibrücken is on microsyst
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