Legal Foundations

On January 1, 2018, the new Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG) came into effect. According to §1 Section 4 MuSchG (Mutterschutzgesetz) , the provisions of the act now apply to anyone who is pregnant, has given birth, or is breastfeeding. This means that the law applies not only to cisgender women but also to trans* and intersex individuals.

The aim of the act is to protect the health of employees and their children in the workplace during pregnancy, after childbirth, and while breastfeeding. At the same time, it seeks to prevent discrimination during these periods.

The university is obligated under §26 MuSchG to make the act accessible to employees for review, either by displaying it, posting it, or providing it electronically.

Here, you can find the latest version of the Maternity Protection Act.


The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth has compiled a clear and comprehensive guide on maternity protection in the Maternity Protection Guide. It is also possible to have the information read out to you.