Applying for compensation for disadvantages
In the General Bachelor's Examination Regulations of Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences, §6 states:
"(7) Students with disabilities or chronic illnesses must be granted appropriate compensation for disadvantages to ensure equal opportunities. If students credibly demonstrate that they are unable, due to prolonged or permanent disability or illness, to complete examination or study requirements fully or partially within the specified timeframe or in the prescribed format, the examination committee must grant compensation for disadvantages upon written request. This may include, for example, an extension of processing time or the approval of suitable aids. The submission of a medical certificate or other appropriate documentation may be required."
The specific process for applying and the requirements are determined by the respective examination committee.
Examination Committees of Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences
Examination Committees for Bachelor's and Master's Programs in Applied Engineering Sciences
Here you can find contact persons for the examination committee responsible for bachelor's and master's programs in applied engineering sciences.
The examination regulations for the respective study programs within the AING department can be found [here].
It is worthwhile to review the department's informational slides in advance, which contain a variety of useful and important information regarding examination regulations. Slides 18 and 19 specifically address the topic of compensation for disadvantages.
Here you will find the contact persons for the BI and VIA examination committees, as well as for the aptitude and admission examination committees.
Many details regarding examination matters can be found in advance in your respective examination regulations.
Here you will find the examination committees, along with contact persons, for the bachelor's and master's programs in the Business Administration department.
We recommend familiarizing yourself with your examination regulations in advance.
On the right-hand side, you will find the examination committees for your respective study program along with the contact persons.
You can find your program-specific examination regulations here.
Feel free to contact the Examination Office of the International Study College to apply for compensation for disadvantages: pruefungsausschuss-isk(at)hs-kl(dot)de
To be granted compensation for disadvantages, you will need (medical) documents that verify the nature of your disability or impairment.
You can find the current examination regulations here.