Job description Architecture

The Architect

The profession of the architect has changed significantly in recent years.

In addition to the classical, freelance and generalist architect, other fields of activity have emerged that focus on subtasks and sub-areas of classical architectural services, such as

  • Design and approval planning
  • Implementation planning
  • Property management
  • Documentation

or specialize in additional, peripheral fields of activity - e.g.

  • project development
  • valuation
  • real estate valuation
  • film architecture
  • Animation and Visualization
  • ...

The University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern tries to take this development into account and to adapt the curriculum to the requirements of the new fields of activity.


Study focus Master of Architecture

The Master's program in Architecture is not a specialized program, as it is designed to lead to a Chamber of Architects qualification. Nevertheless, there are guiding themes that will run like a red thread through the Master's program.

These key themes represent the central social challenges of the 21st century:

  • Sustainability
  • Energy aspects (energy-efficient construction, embodied energy)
  • Demographic change (conversion, demolition, project development, conversion strategies)
  • Green building (life cycle assessments, design methods, renewable building materials)
  • Existing buildings (urban context, buildings, construction details)

These key topics give the "Integrated Projects" in the first and second semesters of the Master's program a content-related dimension that is intended to sensitize students and faculty to such socially relevant core issues.