Priority professorships for research at the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern

As part of Pro3 HS KL, five professorships specialising in research were awarded to professors at the university. For the duration of the project (until 31 December 2028), the sponsored individuals are given the opportunity to hire a person to take on teaching duties or to award teaching assignments. This frees up time that can be used for research projects.


Prof. Dr. Bernd Bufe

Bernd Bufe is Professor of Molecular Immunology & Immunosensors in the Department of Computer Science and Microsystems Technology (IMST) at the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern. His research interests include Integrated Miniaturised Systems.



Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Peter Starke

Peter Starke lehrt und forscht im Fachbereich Angewandte Ingenieurwissenschaften (AING) zu den Themen Werkstoffkunde und Werkstoffprüfung und dabei im Forschungsschwerpunkt hocheffiziente technische Systeme an der Hochschule Kaiserslautern in verschiedenen Projekten. Er habilitierte zum Thema Werkstofftechnik.


Prof. Dr. Alexey Tarasov

Alexey Tarasov teaches as part of his professorship for biomedical measurement technology in the IMST department at the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern. Several of his research projects are based in the Integrated Miniaturised Systems research focus area.


Prof. Dr. Sven Urschel

Sven Urschel is the spokesperson for the Highly Efficient Technical Systems research centre at the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern, where he leads several research projects. He teaches on the topics of electrotechnical systems in mechatronics


Prof. Dr. Dieter Wallach

Dieter Wallach teaches and researches on the subject of human-computer interaction and usability engineering, including in the research focus on reliable software-intensive systems at the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern.


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Berufungsmanagement, Projekt Pro³ HSKL


Dekan FB IMST, Fachbereichsrat IMST, Fachkommission IMST Bachelor MBW FB IMST, Prüfungsausschuss Bachelor MBW FB IMST


Studiengangsleitung: "Automatisierungstechnik, Bachelor" "Elektrotechnik - berufsbegleitend, Bachelor" "Industrial Engineering, Bachelor" "Maschinenbau, Bachelor" "Maschinenbau - berufsbegleitend, Bachelor" "Mechatronik, Bachelor" "Mechatronik - berufsbegleitend, Bachelor" "Prozessingenieurwesen, Bachelor" "Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Bachelor" " Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - berufsbegleitend, Bachelor", Fachbereichsrat AING


Studiengangsleitung: "Biomedical Micro Engineering, Bachelor" "Micro- and Nanoengineering, Bachelor" "Mikrosystem- und Nanotechnologie, Bachelor"


Studiengangsleitung "Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Master", Fachbereichsrat AING, Forschungsschwerpunkt Hocheffiziente technische Systeme, Institut Energieeffiziente Systeme (IES), Prüfungsausschuss AING Master

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Kompetenzzentrum Instructional Design in Technology (CCIDT), Projekt ODPfalz - Offene Digitalisierungsallianz für die Pfalz, Projekt UUX, Mittelstand 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum, Projekt Usability in Germany