New research project at WWHK
On October 1, 2020, the WWHK started the second phase of the joint project as a new project partner: Microstructure-based service life calculation "MibaLeb II".
The joint project is concerned with the development of a method for assessing the remaining service life of metallic nuclear power plant components that have
Denise Lembrich
Student assistant
Curriculum vitae
Since 03/2020 Student assistant in the working group ESM at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern Since 2018 Study of electrical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern (B. Eng.)
Online preparatory course mathematics
Math is fun!
As a Flipped Classroom, our students learn mathematics or refresh their knowledge before they start their studies. The online courses were previously offered in German; now the following target languages can also be selected:
English French Arabic
The project is located in the field of tissue engineering. Tissue engineering refers to the production of tissue replacements in the laboratory. The aim is the production of intestinal wall analogue tissue from muscle and nerve cells through targeted manipulation with electrical and magnetic fields. This tissue can be used, for example, for drug
Projekt „Studierenden-Erfolg erhöhen“ Marktanalyse im Rahmen der Reakkreditierung der InformatikStudiengänge an der Hochschule Kaiserslautern 22. September 2020 | Hanna Hettrich, Yvonne Berkle, Kathrin Kilian Zusammenfassung Was erwarten Unternehmen, wenn sie Absolvierende aus Informatik-Studiengängen einstellen? Eine Marktanalyse der Hochschule
Auslandssemester* Bachelor Elektrotechnik - Schwerpunkt Energietechnik - *integriertes Auslandssemester Absolvieren Sie Ihr 4. Semester im Ausland, ohne Ihre Studiendauer zu verlängern! Partnerhochschule Riga Technical University, Lettland Ende Januar– Ende Juni /Anfang Juli (4. Semester) Auslandssemester Informieren Sie sich im Vorfeld über