

1863 results:
  • We contribute to Transferring scientific expertise into practice  Enabling a successful transfer of knowledge and technology, based on a level of trust instilled by personal contact Enhancing the region’s economic development and ensuring a supply of academically qualified future employees Making the university’s potential more transparent Op
  • 1572. Services
    Date: 10.10.2019
    Support from the University Are you looking for the right contact at our university to answer your questions? We have compiled the most important entities that can help you with your queries.  Service Points
  • 1573. Services offered
    Date: 10.10.2019
    Research Funding 134 Project Coordination 131 Research Reports 495 Inventions & Patents 135 Specialist Exhibitions 496 Start-Ups 698
  • 1574. Researchers - For Researchers
    Date: 10.10.2019
    For Researchers Applied research focus areas 130 Research Projects & Expertise 132 Inventions & Patents 135 Research Funding 134 Start-Ups 698
  • 1575. Facts and Figures - Staff
    Date: 10.10.2019
    Staff Staff figures 2015/16 Winter Semester Employees 482.5 - of which, female 180 - Professors 148
  • We encourage you to exceed your limits by exploring new paths Vision Internationalisation is represented as an inner attitude by the entire university community. Mental boundaries have been overcome. Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences is not only a university of applied sciences, but also a place where internationalisation is lived. S
  • 1577. Research Funding
    Date: 10.10.2019
    Department for Research and Project Coordination Research Management European Union (Kopie 1) Research Funding The Department for Research and Project Coordination supports in the field of funding programs for research and transfer. Funding Opportunities The Department for Business and Transfer offers opportunities for companies on arr
  • 1578. Research Projects & Expertise
    Date: 10.10.2019
    Our Research Projects & Expertise The Professors in our various faculties work in an interdisciplinary way and cooperate with external partners on a range of research projects, to which they contribute their own individual expertise. Our contacts will be happy to assist you in the search for suitable partners for projects and cooperations.
  • 1579. Research Institutions
    Date: 10.10.2019
    Our Research Institutions At our research institutions, interdisciplinary teams work on projects related to both science and commerce. Institute for Innovation in Academic and Business Processes ed-media e.V. Center of expertise for e-learning and further education Production of computer-based and web-based training courses Consultation, e
  • 1580. Students
    Date: 10.10.2019
    Study matters Examination matters Your Academic Journey On the following pages, we have compiled a number of helpful information for your studies. How does registering for an exam work? How can I have my achievements from a previous course of study recognized? Here, you can find answers to these questions and similar ones you may have during t
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