Emergency relief fund

Students who find themselves in an unintentional financial emergency have the opportunity to apply for bridging assistance quickly and without bureaucratic hurdles at the Student Services and/or Hochschule Kaiserslautern.


Student Services: Financial Emergency Assistance

Students of the Kaiserslautern universities who have fallen into an unexpected emergency situation through no fault of their own can apply forimmediate financial assistance from the Student Services' social fund. It must be proven that this is a short-term financial emergency and not a permanent situation, with a reasonable expectation of improvement.


Emergency Relief Fund of Hochschule Kaiserslautern

Hochschule Kaiserslautern provides an emergency relief fund for students who have fallen into an unexpected emergencysituation through no fault of their own. You can apply for a one-time payment to help bridge the gap (e.g., for study-related purchases, child expenses, furniture, etc.) by explaining your situation. The university leadership, upon the recommendation of the Diversity Management office, will decide on the application. There is no legal entitlement. Please contact us if you would like to submit an application or have any questions regarding this.

Contact persons


Mitarbeiterin Stabsstelle Diversitätsmanagement, Behindertenbeauftragte für Studierende, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte


Mitarbeiterin Stabsstelle Diversitätsmanagement, Behindertenbeauftragte für Studierende