Operating data based diagnosis of rotating machinery for sustainable, reliable and highly efficient operations (DIAdEM)
For the evaluation of rotating machines (pumps, fans, compressors) during operation, algorithms will be developed which can make statements about the current and future status of the aggregates based on existing sensor technology
Optimisation of the resource efficiency of heating, drinking water and solar circulation pumps (OPTIMUM)
Circulation pumps are used in domestic, office and commercial buildings for the transport of drinking, heating and cooling water between heat generators and heat consumers or between cooling generators and cooling consumers. More than 140
Optimisation of the resource efficiency of heating, drinking water and solar circulation pumps (OPTIMUM)
Circulation pumps are used in domestic, office and commercial buildings for the transport of drinking, heating and cooling water between heat generators and heat consumers or between cooling generators and cooling consumers. More than 140
Ordnerstruktur zur Datenspeicherung Dateiformat systemspezifisch Projekt • Messdaten der mechanischen und analytischen Versuchseinrichtungen werden in maschineneigenen Formaten und zusätzlich als ASCII gespeichert • Bilddateien werden in den üblichen Formaten wie bspw. .jpg, .tif oder .png gespeichert • Dokumente werden als editierbare Datei
Ordnung für die Praxisphase im Bachelor-Studiengang Bauingenieurwesen und Bauingenieurwesen – dual an der Hochschule Kaiserslautern §1 Allgemeines (1) Diese Ordnung regelt die Durchführung der Praxisphase für den BachelorStudiengang Bauingenieurwesen und Bachelor-Studiengang Bauingenieurwesen – dual an der Hochschule Kaiserslautern. (2) Die Praxisp
How is the university management organised?
Please refer to the diagram below for the individual areas of responsibility of the members of the Executive Board or take a look at the schedule of responsibilities (see below).
Contact person
Promoting self-reflection and information among prospective students at the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern
Yvonne Berkle, Johanna Woll & Kathrin Kilian
The foundation for a successful degree programme is not only laid when you start studying, but also during the orientation phase. Finding the ‘right’ degree
Promoting self-reflection and information among prospective students at the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern
Yvonne Berkle, Johanna Woll & Kathrin Kilian
The foundation for a successful degree programme is not only laid when you start studying, but also during the orientation phase. Finding the ‘right’ degree programme, i.e. on