Scholarships for single parents

Studying with a child is a complex challenge. This is especially true for single parents, who often face multiple pressures. The scholarship is designed to help students manage their many responsibilities and make a positive contribution to their academic success.

Scholarships are currently awarded twice a year for a period of 6 months. These may be extended on application. Applications must be submitted by 1 November (winter semester) or 1 April (summer semester), together with a current transcript of records from the Examinations Office and a certificate of enrolment for the semester in question.

Funding starts retroactively from the beginning of the semester in which the application is submitted and ends immediately if the study programme is discontinued.

You must be enrolled as a student at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern at the start of the funding period and be verifiably a single mother or father. Complete application documents must be submitted by April 1st or November 1st.

If you are in receipt of BAföG or have a job that is more than marginal (mini-job), your situation will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

In the event of financial constraints, applications may be submitted after the deadlines. In this case, please contact the Diversity Management Office.

- Application form with information about the applicant: Download the form

- Letter of motivation outlining the applicant's current situation and motivation for applying for the scholarship

- Curriculum Vitae

- Certificate of enrolment

- University entrance qualification

- Current, detailed transcript of records from the examination office with signature

- Proof of household income (tabular list of monthly income and expenses)

- BAföG notification, approved or rejected

- Registration certificate of the applicant and the other parent

- Custody order, if applicable

- Birth certificate of the child/maternity record if pregnant

- Information about the type of care the child will receive

- A certificate of any involvement in the social sector

There is no legal entitlement to the granting or extension of a scholarship.

If you have any questions, please contact the Diversity Management Office.




Mitarbeiterin Stabsstelle Diversitätsmanagement, Behindertenbeauftragte für Studierende, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte