Protection against discrimination and sexual harassment

Information and counselling offers

Find out here about legal protection against discrimination, the areas of life in which it applies and who it protects.

Policy on protection against discrimination and sexual harassment

Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences is committed to being a safe, non-discriminatory and non-violent place to learn, teach and work.
The policy on protection against discrimination and sexual harassment at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences offers support to those affected and sets out clear procedures.

Anonymous contact

Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences also offers all members of the university, i.e. students and employees, the opportunity to make contact via the My Concerns portal. Three forms with different options are available for this purpose

  •     ideas
  •     complaints
  •     and personal concerns (grievance box)

The aim is to facilitate uncomplicated and constructive communication. You can only use the three areas if you verify your university e-mail address as a member of the university. Anonymity in the grievance box is guaranteed by encryption, despite verification.

Policy on Protection against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences

This version was adopted by the Senate of Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences on 22 November 2023 and will come into force after publication in the University Gazette.

Living, studying and working together in a fair way at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern

In accordance with its mission statement, Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences stands for social diversity and sees itself as a place of trust where all people are treated equally, regardless of appearance, age, social and ethnic background, religion or ideology, disability, marital status, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation. Social diversity is valued and encouraged.

Equal opportunities for members of the University are created through a mutual experience of fairness, respect and tolerance.

On the basis of this self-image, the University of Kaiserslautern sees itself as being responsible for actively promoting the timely recognition and handling of cases of discrimination and sexual harassment, as well as counselling and supporting those affected. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to identify the necessary channels through clear procedures and to create possibilities for sanctions, which are set out in the University of Kaiserslautern's Policy on Protection against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment.


Contact points at the university

 Have you experienced discrimination or sexual harassment? Then contact one of our internal contact points for members and relatives of the University of Kaiserslautern. Here you can receive confidential advice and information about your rights (informal procedure). Contact can be made in any form, including anonymously.


Complaints office of the university

The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) requires that companies and administrations must set up an office where employees can complain about discrimination within the meaning of the AGG. This right to complain also applies to students under a provision of the Higher Education Act. At the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences, this complaints office is part of the legal department. Complaints can also be submitted to the University's Central Equal Opportunities Officer. These will then be forwarded to the Complaints Office.

According to the AGG, a complaint must be processed and examined in a formal procedure in order to be able to derive measures to protect against discrimination. As a rule, this also requires that the person against whom the complaint is directed has the opportunity to comment on it. For these reasons, it is not always possible to deal with a complaint anonymously or it may even lead to disclosure.
The Complaints Office can give advice in advance on the basic procedure of a complaint procedure without disclosing the facts of the case.

Further support services for students at the university

The following institutions are not internal university contact points within the meaning of the policy on protection against discrimination and sexual harassment, but also offer counselling and support:

Church organisations at the university
The Campus Community, a union of ESG (Protestant Student Community) and KHG (Catholic University Community), offers pastoral care and counselling in addition to semester services, discussion groups and excursions for students.

Psychological Counselling Centre of the Studierendenwerk
The Psychological Counselling Centre at the RPTU offers professional help with student problems.
Students of the RPTU Kaiserslautern and the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences can discuss their problems from all areas of their lives here.