Portfolio consulting Bachelor Virtual Design 2024

The next portfolio consultation will take place on Open Campus Day. Prospective students will have the opportunity to have their work reviewed by Prof. Dipl.-Des. Thomas Wagner and Prof. Martin Reichrath.

2024 April 20, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Schönstraße 11
Building B, Room I 111

If you have any questions, please contact  Prof. Martin Reichrath.




Prodekan FB BG, Fachbereichsrat BG, Prüfungsausschuss VIA FB BG, Eignungsprüfungsausschuss Virtual Design


Studiengangsleitung: "Virtual Design, Bachelor" "Virtual Design, Master", Prüfungsausschuss VIA FB BG, Senatsausschuss für Qualität und Lehre, Vorsitz Masterzulassungsausschuss Virtual Design


Assistent FB BG, Eignungsprüfungsausschuss Virtual Design

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