What do the STEM Mentoring Days offer?
Insight into day-to-day student life Clarity on questions related to studying An overview of the course content The opportunity to get to know and try out new things Preparation for the “Hochschule” learning environment Exchange with students, professors, and assistants Individual consultations
Presentations in Schools
Want to go to university? If so, what do you want to study? How does a degree course work? What requirements do I have to fulfill?
Before deciding on an education or a career, students are faced with a lot of questions.
As part of the Ambassador Program, two university representatives usually visit students at their sc
Ambassador Program
The Ambassador Program gives teachers and prospective students the opportunity to invite university students to their schools. The ambassadors will introduce the university and describe their personal academic journey. Ambassadors also serve as contacts at career days in school or as guides for prospective students visiting the
Presentations in Schools
Want to go to university? If so, what do you want to study? How does a degree course work? What requirements do I have to fulfill?
Before deciding on an education or a career, students are faced with a lot of questions.
As part of the Ambassador Program, two university representatives usually visit students at their sc
Ambassador Program
The Ambassador Program gives teachers and prospective students the opportunity to invite university students to their schools. The ambassadors will introduce the university and describe their personal academic journey. Ambassadors also serve as contacts at career days in school or as guides for prospective students visiting the
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Zustimmung zur Verwendung von Name, Foto und Kombination aus Name und Foto im Rahmen des MINT Mentoring Programmes
Hiermit bestätige ich, dass die Hochschule Kaiserslautern Namen, Vornamen sowie Foto(s) für Pressemitteilungen, Artikel u.ä. in Medien im Online-, Print- und Rundfunkbereich im Zusammenhang mit dem MINT Mentoring Programm nutzen und a
Formular zur Bescheinigung der Prüfungsunfähigkeit zur Vorlage beim zuständigen Prüfungsamt der Hochschule Kaiserslautern Student/in – untersuchte Person Name: Vorname: Geburtsdatum: Matrikelnummer: Fachbereich: Studiengang: Ärztliche Feststellung Termin(e) der ärztlichen Untersuchung: Es besteht aufgrund der festgestellten Erkrankung (Bettl
CAMPUS-NACHRICHTEN DIENSTAG, 5. APRIL 2016 NR. 79 SEITE 17 TERMINE ................................................................................................................. In Genen nach Krankheitsursachen forschen Campuskino geht heute wieder an den Start Patrizia und Rebecca Preis arbeiten nach ihrem Bachelor-Abschluss in einer Pra
CAMPUS-NACHRICHTEN DIENSTAG, 5. JANUAR 2016 NR. 3 SEITE 17 TERMINE ................................................................................................................. „Ich möchte Professor werden“ Netzwerk für Gründungsinteressierte Doktorand Achim Müller kam aus Belgien an den Zweibrücker Campus Achim Müller aus Belgien machte