Konzepte und Tests zur Integration organischer Leuchtdioden in Kunststoffbauteilen (SS 2011, Eric Schneider, MNT) Design, Entwurf und Aufbau ergonomischer Gehäuseformen für ein drahtloses Sensornetzwerk zur Erfassung biomedizinischer Parameter (SS 2011, Paul Helmut Steinbinder, ALS)
Untersuchung und ggf. Optimierung alternativer He
Intracellular signal transduction in tumour cells Cellular models for screening novel cancer therapeutics Molecular diagnosis of tumours New methods to isolate DNA from difficult samples and the complete fecal genome analysis
2019 - 2015
W. Hahnel, K. Schulte, M. Hafner, O. Müller, Extraction of DNA from Difficult Samples with an Automatable Portable System INTRODUCTION, IJPPR. 12 (2018) 238–250.
W. Hahnel, K. Schulte, O. Müller, Extraction of DNA from difficult samples with an automated portable system, in: Int. Conf. OnGenetics Mol. Res., Dubai, 201
Facilities and Equipment
The research group "Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry" benefits from the excellent facilities at the university location in Zweibrücken.
In addition to the basic science and engineering laboratories (chemistry, physics, biology, biochemistry and e-technology), the IMST faculty has a well-equipp
Bachelor ALS:
Basics of General Biology Basics of Microbiology Biological perception Medical disease patterns
Master ALS:
Molecular biology techniques Molecular biology techniques Ethics in biology and medicine
Publications, Patents and Published Applications
2021 - 2016
M.Y. Jahmani, M.E. Hammadeh, M.A. Al Smadi, M.K. Baller, Label-Free Evaluation of Chromatin Condensation in Human Normal Morphology Sperm Using Raman Spectroscopy, Reprod. Sci. (2021) 1–13.
M. Gries, A. Christmann, S. Schulte, M. Weyland, S
Practical phase
The sixth semester of the Bachelor's degree course is designed as a practical semester. The practical project covers a period of 20 weeks. Students prepare weekly reports on the practical project. The weekly reports must be submitted to the supervisor of the internship by four weeks after the start of the lecture period follow
Project staff
Geschäftsprozessmanagement. Strategie, Entwurf, Implementierung, Controlling. Allweyer, Thomas W3L-Verlag, Herdecke Bochum 2005 Maßgeschneiderter Methodeneinsatz für die Entwicklung betriebswirtschaftlicher Software Allweyer, Thomas In: Scheer, A.-W.; Jost, W.; Wagner, K.: Von Prozessmodellen zu lauffähigen A