

1863 results:
  • 1351. Form Master
    Date: 15.07.2020
    Form Master
  • Master Studiengang MB/MT Registration for internship for Master’s thesis Anmeldung für das Praktikum zur Masterarbeit Please hand in this form to the examiners office BEFORE beginning your internship! Family name:.......................................................... Given names: ...............................................................
  • Master Studiengang MB/MT Confirmation of attendance during the internship for Master’s thesis We hereby confirm that the student Family name:.......................................................... Given names: .................................................................. Registration number:............................................ Da
  • Master Studiengang MB/MT Bestätigung der Präsenztage während des Praktikums zur Masterarbeit Hiermit bestätigen wir, dass die /der Studierende Name: ................................................................ Vorname: .......................................................................... Matr.-Nr.: .......................................
  • 1355. Anmeldung_Praktikum_Masterarbeit.pdf
    Date: 13.07.2020
    Master Studiengang MB/MT Anmeldung für das Praktikum zur Masterarbeit registration for the internship for Master’s thesis Die Anmeldung muss spätestens bis zum Beginn des Praktikums zur Masterarbeit im Prüfungsamt abgegeben sein! Name: ................................................................ Vorname: .......................................
  • 1356. Anmeldung_Kolloquium_Master.pdf
    Date: 13.07.2020
    Master Studiengänge AING Kolloquium zur Masterarbeit Studiengang u.Name: .................................................... Vorname: .................................... schwerpunkt: ................... ...... Datum: ...........................................Uhrzeit: .................................Ort: ......................................
  • 1357. AING_Anmeldung_MasterArbeit-ETIT.pdf
    Date: 13.07.2020
    Masterstudiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik Anmeldung zur Masterarbeit Die Anmeldung ist spätestens eine Woche vor Beginn im Prüfungsamt abzugeben! Name: …………………………….. Vorname: …………………………….. Matr.-Nr.: …………………………….. Geb.-Datum: …………………………….. E-Mail-Adresse: …………………………….. Fachsemester: …………………………….. Vertiefungsrichtung: ……
  • The Department for PR Activities/School Contacts The Department for PR Activities/School Contacts informs the public and the media about current developments within the university using measures such as press releases, the university magazine, and social media channels, and also assists in networking between media representatives and members of the
  • Research Group "Molecular Mechanisms of Healthy Ageing and Neurodegeneration" Headed by PD Dr. Kristina Endres (JGU Mainz) the research group is investigating the following topics: Molecular relationships in the physiology and pathology of the neuronal aging process. Part of the research is the question of how cognitively healthy ageing ("well
  • 1360. AGENS
    Date: 01.07.2020
    AGENS The Enteric Nervous System Research Group (AGENS) headed by Prof. KH Schäfer (HS KL) has been working for years on the characterization of the ENS in the context of development, changes in disease patterns, or the use of the enteric neural stem cells contained in it.1,2 First indications of an influence of local inflammation on these neural
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