

1865 results:
  • 1251. Hanna Jost - B. Eng. Hanna Jost
    Date: 27.02.2023
    B. Eng. Hanna Jost e-mail:
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  • Databases DBIS: A cooperative project to allow use of academic online and CD-ROM databases. There is free, campus-wide access to all of the subject-specific databases for which the University Library is licensed and around 4,500 databases available for free online. Beck-online: Extensive database of full texts on legal studies (contains legislat
  • 1254. Services offered - Projects
    Date: 01.03.2023
    Projects INTERREG V a GR: MobiPro.GR - Steigerung der Studierendenmobilität in der Großregion MobiPro.GR hat zum Ziel, die grenzübergreifende berufliche Mobilität von Studierenden in der Großregion bereits im Studium zu fördern. Die Projektpartner unterstützen Studierende mit Infrastrukturen und Netzwerken, welche die Umsetzung grenzüberschr
  • 1255. News
    Date: 02.03.2023
    The "3G" rule applies Current status of planning t3://page?uid=4256 War in Ukraine Emergency aid program for those affected t3://page?uid=6386
  • 1256. FAQ
    Date: 10.03.2023
    Frequently asked questions about the corona situation, exam times, etc. can be found here FAQ Medical Informatics
  • 1257. Dual Studies
    Date: 10.03.2023
    [Translate to Englisch:] Downloadcenter Duales Studium What is the meaning of dual studies? A dual studies program combines a university degree with practice in a company. The knowledge acquired during studies can be applied from the very beginning. At the same time, practical experience provides a good base for assessing the applicability and b
  • 1258. Interested Students
    Date: 10.03.2023
    Enrollment Apply now For international applicants uni-assist [Translate to Englisch:] Downloadcenter Reasons to study Medical Informatics in Zweibrücken You will receive a very practice-oriented training as a medical computer scientist with a specialist competence in the field of digital health. For this purpose, you will learn abo
  • 1259. FAQ
    Date: 10.03.2023
    Frequently asked questions about the corona situation, exam times, etc. can be found here
  • 1260. FAQ - FAQ Medical Informatics
    Date: 10.03.2023
    FAQ Medical Informatics How do I know that medical informatics is the course of study which suits me most? Are you medically and informatically interested? Do you have analytical and conceptual skills, are you a team member and enjoy working with people? If yes the general conditions agree. In addition, you should bring interest in the field o
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