Research Group
The working group Enteric Nervous System (AGENS) is dealing with the innervation of the gastrointestinal,tract (enteric nervous system: ENS) in respect to various aspects such as development, plasticity or detrimental and protective influences, but also in relation to different compartments and cells systeme within the gut wall.
The group is focusing upon the influence of various factors on the development and regeneration of the ENS, respectively on neural stem cells derived from the ENS. The group is using an interdisciplinary approach with a broad spectrum of methods: primary 2 and 3-dimensional tissue culture approaches on the base of enteric neurons and glial cells, neural stem cells from both brain and gut, dorsal root ganglia and brain slices. co-culture approaches (smooth muscle, enterocytes, immune cells), life cell and calcium imaging, Multiplex-ELISA, Proteomics, immunhistochemistry, multielectrode-array-technology, patch-clamp and motility measurments in organ-bath whole-gut-segment approaches.
Alzheimer im Darm

Forschungsschwerpunkt Integrierte Miniaturisierte Systeme FB IMST, Seniorprofessor FB IMST, Projekt Charakterisierung enterischer neuronaler Stammzellen FB IMST, Projekt Darmfunktionsdiagnostik FB IMST, Projekt ImmENS, Interaktion des Mikrobioms mit dem Enterischen Nervensystem (ENS), Projekt Intrinsische Stammzellen FB IMST, Projekt Modifizierung und Anwendung von Multielektrodenarrays zur Erfassung neuraler Signale des ENS, Projekt Offene Digitalisierungsallianz für die Pfalz, AG ENS, Projekt Transplantation neuraler Stammzellen zur Behandlung von Aganglionosen, Projekt Untersuchungen der Darmmotalität und des Darmnervensystems im Kontekt neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen, Working Group Enteric Nervous System
- +49 631 3724-5418KarlHerbert.Schaefer(at)hs-kl(dot)de
- Campus Zweibrücken
- Room H136/ H205