The Department for PR Activities/School Contacts

The Department for PR Activities/School Contacts informs the public and the media about current developments within the university using measures such as press releases, the university magazine, and social media channels, and also assists in networking between media representatives and members of the university.

The department offers school pupils and prospective students the option to get to know the university by offering an extensive range of information and events.

Furthermore, the department is also the central point of contact for alumni (graduates) who wish to stay in contact with the university.



Mitarbeiterin Referat Student Life Cycle, Schnittstelle Schule/Hochschule

Themen im Hochschulbereich

Public Relations

As a link between the university and the media, the Department for PR Activities/School Contacts creates contacts and provides information by way of press releases, the university magazine, social media channels, brochures, and schedule calendars.


Girls only

With an extensive range of introductory events, the university hopes to introduce female school pupils to the prospects at an early age and show that an academic education in a STEM subject will offer excellent possibilities for their future careers.


School Pupils

Fixed open days and introductory events arranged upon requests give school pupils an insight into the fields of Life Sciences, IT, Technology, Business Studies, and Design.



The HS KL offers a range of opportunities to obtain support for study and career advice in schools.



Stay in touch with the university and benefit from its wide-reaching network.



Members of the department and their tasks.

Vor dem Studium: Schulkontakte


Girls Only

Durch umfangreiche Kennenlernangebote will die Hochschule Schülerinnen zu einem relativ frühen Zeitpunkt Perspektiven eröffnen und zeigen, dass eine akademische Ausbildung im MINT-Bereich viele Zukunftschancen bietet.


Schülerinnen & Schüler

Feste Veranstaltungstermine und individuell buchbare Kennenlernangebote geben Schülerinnen und Schülern Einblicke in die Bereiche Naturwissenschaft, Informatik,Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung.



Mit vielfältigen Angeboten unterstützt die Hochschule Kaiserslautern die Studien-und Berufsorientierung und steht Schulen als Kooperationspartner zur Seite.


Der Newsletter des Referats Student Life Cycle informiert alle zwei Monate über Veranstaltungen und Angebote, zu den Studienmöglichkeiten der Hochschule Kaiserslautern sowie zu Kennenlernangeboten für Schülerinnen und Schüler.

Zum Newsletter


Kontakt: newsletter(at)hs-kl(dot)de