
Das Bewerbungsverfahren ist abgeschlossen, Bewerbungen für den nächsten Zeitraum Wintersemester 2025/26 bis Sommersemester 2026 sind voraussichtlich ab April 2025 möglich. Bitte informieren Sie sich auf dieser Website.

Applying for the Deutschlandstipendium

  • Every student of the Hochschule Kaiserslautern can apply to the Deutschlandstipendium, regardless of her or his nationality and her or his study program. 
  • The university is responsible for the selection process. No student is expressly entitled to the provision or extension of Deutschlandstipendium funding.
  • The next application procedure for WS 2022/2023 begins on Monday, 23rd of May 2022 - 9:00 a.m. and is expected to end on Wednesday, 31st of August 2022 - 23:59 (11:59 p.m.). You will be informed in advance by the university management via e-mail. You can still change and update your application within the application period (Attention: Please remember your individual applicant number!).
  • You apply using the online application form. CV data and attachments to grades and certificates are requested in the online application form. A motivation video 1-2 min. length) is also part of your application.
  • Your application will be checked according to formal criteria. That’s why we advise you to complete your application with great care.
  • The selected applicants have the opportunity to present themselves to the jury in group discussions (5-7 people). The scholarships are then awarded by the jury.
  • To prepare for the interview, there is a questionnaire that you can use to prepare for possible questions.
  • Alongside academic achievements, consideration is paid to voluntary or social work and university-related activities. The candidate’s personal circumstances are then considered as well.
  • For detailed information, please refer to the application agreement, which you should read carefully.
  • The jury itself consists of representatives from the faculties and the student body, the university management, and representatives from industry, in an advisory capacity.

Requirements for applying

Only students who are enrolled in a Bachelor's or consecutive Master’s course at the HS Kaiserslautern, are within the standard period of study and are expected to be enrolled in this course at HS Kaiserslautern for at least two more semesters are eligible to apply. German and foreign students can apply. If rightly proven, the maximum funding period can be extended by one semester upon request. An application for an extension if rightly proven must be submitted by the end of the application phase. Students who want to start studying in the respective winter semester can also apply. Applicants for a university place can submit the letter of admission or confirmation of enrollment by 30.09. 

Double funding is excluded, that means a scholarship according to the Scholarship Program Act (StipG) will not be awarded if the student receives further talent and performance-related funding.

The granting of the scholarship requires the application via the online form of the HS Kaiserslautern. Applications in paper form cannot be accepted. 

Personal presence at the selection interviews is compulsory. This is required for all applicants.


Requirements for applying

The Hochschule Kaiserslautern awards scholarships based on the selection criteria stipulated in the Stipendiengesetz and the related statutory instruments. Achievements and talent in particular can be evidenced as follows, according to the Stipendiengesetz:

For new students:

  • Average grades that correspond with the university entry requirements, with special consideration of the grades achieved in the relevant individual subjects, or
  • a special qualification that entitles you to pursue a course of study at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern.

For students who are already enrolled:

  • Academic achievements by enrolled students as of the second semester, with special attention paid to the ECTS credits obtained
  • For Master’s students, the final grades for the previous degree will also be considered

Additionally, special consideration is also paid to:

  •  Special achievements, honors, or awards, prior work experience and internships, personal commitment, such as volunteer work, involvement in social matters, university politics, or politics, or involvement in religious groups, associations or unions, special personal or familial circumstances, such as illness or disability, caring for children (especially if you are a single parent), caring for ill relatives, working in a family business, working alongside your studies, familial heritage, or a migrant background.

The university is responsible for the selection process.

procedure selection interview

You will receive an invitation via e-mail to present yourself to the scholarship selection committee, approx. 20-25 people (university management, professors, etc.) in a round of interviews. Personal attendance is compulsory. The following days are currently planned for the selection interviews, please take this into account when applying:

Tuesday, 8 November 2022 - full day

Thursday, 10 November 2022 - full day

You will be divided into groups. Questions will be asked of you from the Scholarship Selection Committee. The question and answer session will last approximately 20 minutes.

If you are selected for a scholarship, you will then receive written notification together with an invitation to the scholarship award ceremony on Thursday, 1 December 2022.

The scholarship will be paid retroactively to September 2022.

Further hints

  • The scholarship amount is 300 euros per month (3,600 euros per year), half of which is provided by private sponsors and half by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The scholarship does not count towards BAföG. No social security contributions have to be paid and the grant does not have to be repaid.
  • The scholarship can be awarded from the first semester onwards. The decision on an award is made in writing. As a rule, the scholarship is granted for two semesters. The scholarship can then be extended upon application. The maximum funding period depends on the standard period of study of the respective degree programme. If the duration of studies is extended for serious reasons, such as a disability, pregnancy or the care of relatives or the upbringing of a child, the funding period can be extended upon application.
  • There is neither a legal claim to the granting nor to the extension of a scholarship.