Aktuelle Informationen zur Vergabe

Die nächste Ausschreibungsperiode startet im Dezember 2025. Informationen werden per E-Mail sowie über diese Seite bereit gestellt werden (s.u.).

Current Information

Scholarships to be awarded

The application period starts on 16.12.2024 and ends on 12.01.2025.  (Extension of the deadline!)

Information about the application requirements and specifications for the application can be found in the documents below.

The application form (see below) as well as the attached documents are to be sent completely and in one merged PDF document via email to Linda Wittig with "Subject: Scholarship Engagement 2025".

Please make sure that the application is completed in full and that all required supporting documents are attached, otherwise you will be excluded from the selection process.

Each year, the university administration awards scholarships to talented students who have made a special contribution to society. Learn more about the application requirements and guidelines for applying here.

Some of you are distinguished by talent in your studies and also by special achievements in the service of the community. You shape and form society in many ways, assume social responsibility and look beyond your own professional horizons. Examples of this can be your involvement in our university (in committees, in the StuPa, AStA, Fachschaftsrat, etc.), in associations, clubs and initiatives. Some of you are particularly involved in environmental and animal protection, sports, church, or social and cultural activities.

We are able to award three scholarships annually among these individuals. The scholarship funds are made available to us by the "Stiftung zur Förderung begabter Studierender und des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz". The scholarships are awarded for one year starting on March 01 of each year.

We are pleased to have the opportunity to appreciate your commitment in this way and look forward to receiving your application.

Experience reports

Application deadlines and timetable in the selection process

More information about the selection process and the awarding

Application deadline scholarship commitment

The application deadline has been extended. You have the opportunity to submit your application documents up to and including january 12, 2025.



Sending of notifications (rejection/approval)


Awarding scholarships

Awarded to selected scholarship holders (retroactive to 01.03.2025) for one year.


Requirements for an application

Only students who are enrolled in a Bachelor's or consecutive Master's degree programme at the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern and are enrolled in a non fee-financed degree programme are eligible to apply. They must be expected to be enrolled for at least two semesters in this degree programme at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences.

German and foreign students can apply.

Pupils who wish to take up a degree programme can also apply. Applicants can submit their letter of admission or confirmation of enrolment at a later date.

Double funding is excluded, i.e. a scholarship in accordance with the Scholarship Programme Act (StipG) will not be awarded if the student receives further talent- and performance-related funding. BAföG benefits are not included in the material support mentioned here and do not preclude this scholarship.


The Studienstiftung's guidelines stipulate that paid work that is not conducive to achieving the study objective in terms of type and scope does not fulfil the funding criteria. Jobs that exceed a mini-job are categorised as not conducive.


Applications can only be submitted using the form provided. Only applications that have been completed in full by the application deadline with all the required supporting documents will be considered by the university's internal admissions committee. Applications received after the application deadline or subsequently submitted documents will not be considered. The documents must be submitted together in one PDF document.


a) for first-year students - average grades of the higher education entrance qualification or - the special qualification that entitles the holder to study in the respective degree programme or - the academic achievements of any previous higher education studies

b) for students already enrolled - the academic achievements to date - for students on a Master's degree programme also the final grade of the previous degree programme

c) additional selection criterion for both groups according to a) and b): special social commitment - commitment at the university, e.g. student councils, StuPa, AStA, student initiatives and projects, provided that these activities are not remunerated - commitment outside the university, e.g. permanent voluntary commitment and assumption of responsibility in associations and initiatives (an expense allowance of up to 50 euros is harmless)

Find out here about the application requirements and the specifications for the application

Contact Persons


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