

1863 results:
  • Contact Research Group Prof. Baller's research group focuses on the integration of microstructured components, especially microfluidic components, into applicable equipment and instruments. Furthermore Prof. Baller is focussing on the development of software for the automated evaluation of large data sets and process optimization. Current proj
  • Micro- and nanostructured hard magnetic materials and components for microtechnological applications Permanent magnets are used more and more in microtechnical products, especially for data storage, in energy and sensor technology as well as for transport and separating processes (e.g. in microfluidics). This large market is mostly served by rare
  • Micro- and nanostructured hard magnetic materials and components for microtechnological applications Permanent magnets are used more and more in microtechnical products, especially for data storage, in energy and sensor technology as well as for transport and separating processes (e.g. in microfluidics). This large market is mostly served by r
  • 854. Micro- and Nano- Technology
    Date: 02.03.2021
    The Research Group The research group, headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing Achim Trautmann, is involved in the development and adaptation of micro/nanotechnological processes for the manufacture of components and systems at chip and wafer level. The focus is on implementation in applicable processes. The activities focus particularly on cleanroom processes,
  • Michael Lakatos, Dr. rer. nat. Scientist in the field of polymer science, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern
  • 856. Michael Lakatos
    Date: 24.06.2021
    Biography: Since 10.2016  Joint project leader of BMBF- & EFRE-research projects HSKL 2013 - 2016 Head of Department & Studienkolleg, Department Learning Environment & Further Education, since 2014 additionally International Studienkolleg RLP; HS K'lautern 2013 Res
  • 857. Michael Lakatos
    Date: 24.06.2021
    Research and technologies: Dr. Michael Lakatos has been leading interdisciplinary and international research projects for 20 years, with economic proximity to the implementation of new bionic or ecological approaches. His research focuses on microalgae, phototrophic microbes, physiological ecology, emers growth, drought stress, biochemistry and
  • 858. Michael Lakatos
    Date: 24.06.2021
    Topic specific publications 1   Lakatos M. & Strieht D. (2017) Terrestrial Microalgae - Novel Concepts For Biotechnology And Applications , In: Canovas FM., Lüttge U. & Matyssek R. (Hrsg.) Progress in Botany, Springer, Vol. 79: 269-312 2   Strieth D., Schwing J., Kuhn S., Lakatos M., Muffler K. & Ulber R. (2017
  • 859. Michael Lakatos
    Date: 10.08.2020
    Biography: Since 10.2016  Joint project leader of BMBF- & EFRE-research projects HSKL 2013 - 2016 Head of Department & Studienkolleg, Department Learning Environment & Further Education, since 2014 additionally International Studienkolleg RLP; HS K'lautern 2013 Res
  • 860. Metal 3D Printer - Metal 3D Printer
    Date: 27.10.2023
    Metal 3D Printer Within the framework of the program "Major Equipment of the Federal States", major equipment at universities and university hospitals is financed by the Federal States or universities. On behalf of the federal states, the German Research Foundation (DFG) evaluates large-scale equipment from this program that is intended for use in
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