Basis for recognition
According to the Lisbon Convention of 2007, credits earned abroad must be recognised unless substantial differences can be substantiated by the home institution.
What "substantial differences" mean in detail is a matter of discretion of the respective module supervisor. For example, minor differences in scope are not sign
Basis for recognition
According to the Lisbon Convention of 2007, credits earned abroad must be recognised unless substantial differences can be substantiated by the home institution.
What "substantial differences" mean in detail is a matter of discretion of the respective module supervisor. For example, minor differences in scope are not sign
Recognition of achievements
Achievements completed at other universities or outside of the university can be recognized by submitting evidence of fulfillment of the relevant requirements for your degree course.
It is important that you check well in advance if any of your achievements can be recognized. The module handbook is a useful aid for de
Recognition of achievements
Achievements completed at other universities or outside of the university can be recognized by submitting evidence of fulfillment of the relevant requirements for your degree course.
It is important that you check well in advance if any of your achievements can be recognized. The module handbook is a useful aid for de
Your re-enrollment fee
You can find out how much your re-enrollment fee will cost at the Bewerber- und Studierendenportal under “Studiumsverwaltung” [Course Administration]. Overpayments will be credited to you for the next semester's payment. If you would like a refund, please contact the Studierendensekretariat at your campus.
Social insurance contribution
The social insurance contribution consists of the student union dues, the ASta contribution, and the semester ticket (for public transport), if applicable.
You must re-enroll each semester if you wish to continue to be enrolled as a student and proceed with your studies with us. There is a re-enrollment fee to be paid within the re-enrollment period. This comprises both the social insurance contribution and the tuition fee. You can find more information on the re-enrollment periods at t
Additional information for extra-occupational courses
Students in part-time courses for professionals do not pay a semester ticket and thus only 139,00 € for ZW and PS and 141,50€ for KL.
Re-enrolling for summer semester 2025
Students may re-enroll for summer semester 2025 between 02.01.2025 and 13.02.2025.
Bank account information
Recipient Landeshochschulkasse Mainz IBAN DE53 5451 0067 0290 7376 75 BIC PBNKDEFF Reason for payment 20251 and your 6-digit student ID (Matrikelnummer)
Social contributions summer s