

1861 results:
  • 371. Summary - Summary
    Date: 27.10.2023
    Summary The paper shows how non-destructive measurement methods based on temperature can be used in the context of short-term procedures for service life calculation. The procedure is presented using the example of normalized carbon steel grade C45E and the SteBLife method. SteBLife opens up the possibility of providing significantly more inform
  • Back to SteBLife
  • Fig. 5 illustrates that the conventionally determined service lives can be reliably described by the scatter bands calculated on the basis of SteBLifemsb. The fatigue strength coefficients and exponents of the calculated and conventionally determined Wöhler data are in the same value range.
  • Based on the calculated NB and bM values, the Wöhler curves are then calculated with scatter bands for Pf = 5%, 50% and 95%. The results are shown in Fig. 5 together with the fracture load cycles of 11 ESV performed with conventional Hourglass specimens.
  • Following the SteBLifemsb approach, the results of the 5 tests carried out are analyzed with respect to the number of cycles NB and the sa-NB relationship (Fig. 4). Both NB and the σa-NB relationship show scatter, which can be attributed to material inhomogeneities, among other things. According to the Gaussian distribution, NB can be determined
  • The fatigue tests are carried out at a constant force amplitude Fa or stress amplitude σa and the material response (MR) is recorded using various measuring methods. Due to the geometry of the specimen, 5 alternating deformation curves can be recorded simultaneously. The alternating deformation curves form the basis for the σa-MR correlations
  • The specimens used in SteBLife are characterized by a stepped geometry with different test section diameters, which leads to different local stress amplitudes along the specimen axis under cyclic loading (Fig. 2, bottom left).
  • Lifetime calculation according to the SteBLife method
  • 379. Experimental setup and material
    Date: 27.10.2023
    Back to SteBLife
  • 380. Experimental setup and material
    Date: 27.10.2023
    During heat treatment, the unalloyed C45E was austenitized at T = 850°C and then cooled to RT in a controlled manner, resulting in a predominantly ferritic-pearlitic microstructure with a Vickers hardness of HV10 = 216 [4,5]. In the tensile test, the material reached a maximum strength of  Rm = 710 MPa and exhibited a yield strength of Rp0.2
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