

1859 results:
  • Why is it worth to be patron? Ensure a supply of skilled employees You have the opportunity to get to know potential employees and to pique their interest in your company. You may also offer mentoring, internships, or field trips, in order to strengthen the relationship. Boosting the region A new generation of well-educated workers will drive
  • 332. Deutschlandstipendium students
    Date: 07.05.2024
  • 333. Deutschlandstipendium students
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Applying for the Deutschlandstipendium Every student of the Hochschule Kaiserslautern can apply to the Deutschlandstipendium, regardless of her or his nationality and her or his study program.  The university is responsible for the selection process. No student is expressly entitled to the provision or extension of Deutschlandstipendiu
  • Applying for the Deutschlandstipendium Every student of the Hochschule Kaiserslautern can apply to the Deutschlandstipendium, regardless of her or his nationality and her or his study program.  The university is responsible for the selection process. No student is expressly entitled to the provision or extension of Deutschlandstipendium f
  • Further hints The scholarship amount is 300 euros per month (3,600 euros per year), half of which is provided by private sponsors and half by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The scholarship does not count towards BAföG. No social security contributions have to be paid and the grant does not have to be repaid. The scholarsh
  • procedure selection interview You will receive an invitation via e-mail to present yourself to the scholarship selection committee, approx. 20-25 people (university management, professors, etc.) in a round of interviews. Personal attendance is compulsory. The following days are currently planned for the selection interviews, please take this into
  • Requirements for applying Those eligible to apply include students enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree course at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern, and students who intend to begin a course of study in the coming winter semester. Only students who are within the standard period of study and are expected to be enrolled for at least two seme
  • Requirements for applying The Hochschule Kaiserslautern awards scholarships based on the selection criteria stipulated in the Stipendiengesetz and the related statutory instruments. Achievements and talent in particular can be evidenced as follows, according to the Stipendiengesetz: For new students: Average grades that correspond with the u
  • For this purpose, measurements on fatigue specimens are carried out on the steel 20MnMoNi5-5 in a service relevant heat treatment condition, in which the residual stresses are determined conventionally using an X-ray diffractometer and then the results are used in order to calibrate the µmagnetic measuring system.The surface roughness is measured
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