Welcome to the Zweibrücken Campus of the university! As the newest location with 2,600 students, you'll discover modern buildings and high-tech facilities, including a cleanroom. Our unique campus concept seamlessly integrates living and studying, fostering a strong community both academically and in leisure activities. Don't miss out on the lege
Why Study at Campus Zweibrücken
Our university stands out for its close support and assistance to students. We value individual development and strive to help you unlock your full potential. The proximity to industry and research institutions provides numerous opportunities to network and gain practical insights.
Not only does our Zweibrücken
Your Student Representation
We are your point of contact on campus for life outside of academics!
Sports We have a sports room with equipment and offer courses and events throughout the semester.
Kiosk In our kiosk, you can buy stationery and other useful items for your studies.
Organization We are happy to assist you with binding and p
Parent-Child Workroom (ElKaZ) Campus Zweibrücken
The Parent-Child Workroom at Campus Zweibrücken is located in Building G, Room G213. Opened in 2016 as part of the university’s Family Service, it offers parents a space to bring their children to campus in emergency situations.
Your contact person for Campus Zweibrücken
Usage Guidelines
Welcome to Campus Zweibrücken!
Study programs in the field of business administration https://www.hs-kl.de/betriebswirtschaft/studiengaenge/bachelor Study programs in the field of computer science and microsystems engineering https://www.hs-kl.de/informatik-und-mikrosystemtechnik Apply now! https://icms.hs-kl.de/qisserver/pages/cs/sys/p
At Campus Zweibrücken, you’ll find:
Parent-Child Workroom with two workstations, including PCs (Building G, Room 213) Changing facilities in Buildings G and H Rest room in Building A First aid rooms with rest facilities Reclining chair available for office use Portable refrigerators available for office use Children’s high chair
Faculty for Business Studies
Degree course;Contact person;Room;Extension 0631/3724-;Email
Business Informatics;Broschart, Ute;H109;5171;ute.broschart@hs-kl.de
Business Studies (Distance learning);Link, Anja;H130;5170;anja.link@hs-kl.de
Economics and Law;Eicher, Diana;H105;5125;diana.eicher@hs-kl.de
Financial Services;Eicher, Diana;H105;5125;diana.e
Faculty for Computer Science and Microsystems Technology
Degree course;Contact person;Room;Extension 0631/3724-;Email
Applied IT;Sullivan, Jessica;H105;5123;jessica.sullivan@hs-kl.de
Applied Life Sciences;Broschart, Ute;H109;5171;ute.broschart@hs-kl.de
Biomedical Micro Engineering;Broschart, Ute;H109;5171;ute.broschart@hs-kl.de
Digital Media Market