

2551 results:
  • 2521. Xiaoling Lu - Xiaoling Lu, PhD IMST
    Date: 04.09.2020
    Xiaoling Lu, PhD IMST After my successful conclusion of the bachelor of opto-electronics at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, I continued my master study in NanoScale Engineering at the Université de Lyon and wrote my master thesis at the Technical University of Munich. I came to the Hochschule Kaiserslautern because Pr
  • 2522. ZEETA
    Date: 25.04.2024
    ZEETA - State adaptation for single-track electric traction drives The "ZEETA" project is concerned with an electrically powered single-track trailer that does not exert any force on the towing two-wheeler. The aim is to further promote the use of bicycles and thus make our mobility more sustainable. However, the design of such a trailer poses a m
  • ZEETA - State adaptation for single-track electric traction drives The "ZEETA" project is concerned with an electrically powered single-track trailer that does not exert any force on the towing two-wheeler. The aim is to further promote the use of bicycles and thus make our mobility more sustainable. However, the design of such a trailer poses a m
    Date: 07.12.2017
    Anlage 2 Regelungen für die Auswahl und Zulassung § 1 Besondere Zugangsvoraussetzungen § 2 Zulassungsantrag, Bewerbungsfrist § 3 Ausschuss zur Prüfung der Zugangsnachweise § 4 Bewertungsverfahren §1 Besondere Zugangsvoraussetzungen (Zugangsnachweise) (1) Voraussetzung für den Zugang zum Master - Studium ist der Nachweis über den Abschluss eines Bac
  • 2525. Zusatzinfo_Praxisphase.pdf
    Date: 07.12.2017
    Praxisphase – Zusatzinfo Es wird nochmals auf die in Netz veröffentlichte "Ordnung für die Praxisphase" verwiesen. Die Regularien zum Abschlussbericht und dem Abschlussseminar stehen dort in §6. Ergänzend wird hiermit festgehalten, dass der Praxisbericht in der Regel mindestens 20 Seiten umfassen sollte. Diese 20 Seiten Berichterstattung über Praxi
  • 2526. Zweibrücken
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Student Secretariat and Examination Office Zweibrücken Faculty for Business Studies Degree course;Contact person;Room;Extension 0631/3724-;Email Business Informatics;Broschart, Ute;H109;5171; Business Studies (Distance learning);Link, Anja;H130;5170; Economics and Law;Eicher, Diana;H105;5125;diana.eicher@hs
  • 2527. Zweibrücken
    Date: 28.11.2024
    Getting to Campus Zweibrücken Campus Zweibrücken Welcome to Campus Zweibrücken! Welcome to the Zweibrücken Campus of the university! As the newest location with 2,600 students, you'll discover modern buildings and high-tech facilities, including a cleanroom. Our unique campus concept seamlessly integrates living and studying, fostering a s
  • 2528. Zweibrücken
    Date: 20.12.2021
    Child Daycare: If you choose a childminder, please contact the Youth Welfare Office responsible for your place of residence in Zweibrücken Information on Childcare and Programs for Children and Youth in Zweibrücken Zweibrücken Overview of Daycare Centers in Zweibrücken (ZW) Registration for church-affiliated daycare centers is done dir
  • 2529. Zweibrücken
    Date: 14.01.2022
    Your contact person for Campus Zweibrücken At Campus Zweibrücken, you’ll find: Parent-Child Workroom with two workstations, including PCs (Building G, Room 213) Changing facilities in Buildings G and H Rest room in Building A First aid rooms with rest facilities Reclining chair available for office use Portable refrigerators
  • 2530. Zweibrücken
    Date: 06.12.2023
    Student representation at the Zweibrücken campus Would you like to exchange ideas with your fellow students? Do you have problems or questions alongside your studies? Here you will find your contact persons at the Zweibrücken campus when it comes to your life alongside your studies.
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