Utilisation of statistical approaches within the scope of lifetime prediction methods for notched specimens using the example of unalloyed steels
The construction of dynamically loaded metallic materials and components is usually based on the relation between the stress amplitude and the number of cycles to failure, which is displayed in S-N curve
2024 - heute Research Assistant Materials Science Laboratory, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern
2023 - today Master's Degree, Study of Mechanical Engineering/Mechatronics, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern
2022 - today Student Research Assistant Materials Science Lab
B. Eng. Vanessa Hayna
phone: +49 631 3724-XXXX e-mail: vanessa.hayna@hs-kl.de building: H room: 2.013
Research Assistant
2024 - heute Research Assistant Materials Science Laboratory, University of Applied Sciences Kai