B. Eng., B. Sc. Felix Ecker Researchgate informationbox
Activity: Project coordination of the joint HTS project "Printed Circuit Board Power Drive System"
Scientific assistant
M. Sc. Jan-Erik Nebel Researchgate informationbox
Research project: In-situ and ex-situ characterisation of microstructure evolution in the scanning electron microscope for the development of microstructure models on the model material copper
Use of Kerr microscopy to characterise the damage development in steels
Scientific assista
M. Eng. Srinivasa Raghavan Raghuraman Researchgate informationbox
Research project: Separation of surface and volume damage due to HCF/VHCF stress to identify the re-use potential of heat-treatable steels
Research assistant
Chemical Processes in Microsystem Technology (Prof. Dr. Monika Saumer) https://www.hs-kl.de/en/research/applied-research-focus-areas/integrated-miniaturised-systems/research-groups/research-group-on-chemical-processes-in-microtechnology Design & Layout of Miniaturized Mechanical Systems (Prof. Dr. Stefan Braun) t3://page?uid=3135 Electrotec