We have created our policy in the form of several concepts, which can be seen here.
The Ministry enters into agreements on objectives with Rhineland-Palatinate's universities in order to increase the universities' scope for action.
The focus here is on the joint and cooperative shaping of processes in science policy and the effectiv
Enrollment Certificates
As a student at our university, you can simply print out your enrollment certificates yourself during your studies:
Certificate of enrollment Certificate in accordance with § 9 BAföG Master data sheet
You can generate these certificates via the Bewerber- und Studierendenportal as soon as you have been issued your
Re-enrolling for summer semester 2025
Students may re-enroll for summer semester 2025 between 02.01.2025 and 13.02.2025.
Bank account information
Recipient Landeshochschulkasse Mainz IBAN DE53 5451 0067 0290 7376 75 BIC PBNKDEFF Reason for payment 20251 and your 6-digit student ID (Matrikelnummer)
Social contributions summer s
It is possible for students to take a sabbatical semester if they are unable to attend the lectures for their degree course for an important reason.
During the sabbatical, the student's studies are suspended and their absence (e.g. from compulsory exams) will have no negative impact.
The reasons for taking a sabbatical may includ
Exam registration
It is essential to register for an examination in order to be able to take it and to receive your results. Failing to register may result in a fail grade for the exam in question.
You are obligated to obtain the necessary information and carry out the necessary tasks related to examination procedure for the exams you will be
Registering illness
If you miss or are unable to take an exam due to illness, you must obtain a sick note from a doctor. This sick note must be submitted to the Examination Office by the end of the third working day following the scheduled examination (Saturdays do not count as working days). In order to make the deadline, a copy of the sick no
Recognition of achievements
Achievements completed at other universities or outside of the university can be recognized by submitting evidence of fulfillment of the relevant requirements for your degree course.
It is important that you check well in advance if any of your achievements can be recognized. The module handbook is a useful aid for de