

1865 results:
  • 1801. Applied Computer Science
    Date: 23.05.2024
    Downloads Career prospects The typical field of employment for graduates of applied computer science is software development. Possible activities include not only programming, but also, for example, requirements analysis or software testing. In addition, there are numerous other possible occupational fields, such as: IT consulting S
  • 1802. Computer Science
    Date: 23.05.2024
    Apply Now! Apply Now! Why pursue a Master's in Computer Science? The application areas of computer science are diverse, and the career prospects are very promising. With specialization offerings and project work, you can focus on an application area that deepens your existing knowledge or complements it with additional competencies. Th
  • Further information ...for patrons 846 .....for students 839 Next events 4907
  • Requirements for applying Those eligible to apply include students enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree course at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern, and students who intend to begin a course of study in the coming winter semester. Only students who are within the standard period of study and are expected to be enrolled for at least two seme
  • 1805. Zweibrücken
    Date: 27.05.2024
    Getting to Campus Zweibrücken Campus Zweibrücken Welcome to Campus Zweibrücken! Welcome to the Zweibrücken Campus of the university! As the newest location with 2,600 students, you'll discover modern buildings and high-tech facilities, including a cleanroom. Our unique campus concept seamlessly integrates living and studying, fostering a s
  • Why is it worth to be patron? Ensure a supply of skilled employees You have the opportunity to get to know potential employees and to pique their interest in your company. You may also offer mentoring, internships, or field trips, in order to strengthen the relationship. Boosting the region A new generation of well-educated workers will drive
  • What regulations are in place? When can you donate? A funding year lasts from September 1st until August 31st of the following year. Of course, you can also make several donations over several semesters, up to a maximum of the typical course duration. Who can you donate to? Each year from May/June until October students at the Hochschule Kaise
  • 1808. Press
    Date: 28.05.2024
    Contact IMS 2021 Internationale Konferenz zum Thema künstliche Intelligenz an der Hochschule Kaiserslautern Fit für die Zukunft mit der Hochschule Kaiserslautern Meilenstein in der Parkinson Frühdiagnose Die Rolle des Darms bei Diagnose und Therapie von Erkrankungen Künstliche Intelligenz im Kampf gegen Corona 2020 Smart wheel
  • Intensifying contacts between (regional) companies and international students One of the SFInt project objectives is to intensify contacts between regional companies and international students. To this end, both groups were surveyed, see results in the picture on the right. On the one hand, these were partner companies in the KOSMO network (KOoper
  • 1810. Press
    Date: 28.05.2024
    2021 Internationale Konferenz zum Thema künstliche Intelligenz an der Hochschule Kaiserslautern Fit für die Zukunft mit der Hochschule Kaiserslautern Meilenstein in der Parkinson Frühdiagnose Die Rolle des Darms bei Diagnose und Therapie von Erkrankungen Künstliche Intelligenz im Kampf gegen Corona
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