

1863 results:
  • 1441. Research
    Date: 06.04.2020
    Further information: Research at the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences The Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences offers attractive research areas for guest researchers in the fields of engineering, economics, design, health, and computer science. Contact Department for Research and Project Coordination How do you proceed?
  • 1442. Search for full texts
    Date: 03.04.2020
    Search for full texts To find freely accessible databases, please use the database information system DBIS. To search for freely accessible electronic journals, you can use the EZB and the DOAJ directory. The publishing house JSTOR also offers access to more than 50 journals in Open Access and 6,000 freely accessible eBooks You can a
  • 1443. PhDs - PhD students
    Date: 31.03.2020
    PhD students
  • 1444. Mechatronics
    Date: 17.03.2020
    Facilities & Equipment "Mechatronics" The laboratories in the Mechatronic Systems Working Group have a pool of equipment mainly financed by third-party funds. For the test and verification of mechatronic systems, a large number of test benches with corresponding measuring technology are available: Electric engine test stands from 100 W to 4
  • Facilities & Equipment "Mechatronics" The laboratories in the Mechatronic Systems Working Group have a pool of equipment mainly financed by third-party funds. For the test and verification of mechatronic systems, a large number of test benches with corresponding measuring technology are available: Electric engine test stands from 100 W to 45 K
  • 1446. News
    Date: 12.03.2020
    Contact From New York to Zweibrücken Study abroad for a part of the study period – this is a great dream for many students. We would like to encourage you to take such a significant step for your future with the help of our professors, our International Office and the DAAD. Not only from our university young people take the step into interna
  • 1447. Equality
    Date: 11.03.2020
    Equality The University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern is committed to making gender equality a reality. As part of the university development plan and gender equality campaign, there are specific measures in place to combat the underrepresentation of women in all areas and at all qualification levels. Underrepresentation is when the proport
  • 1448. Department for Business and Transfer
    Date: 11.03.2020
    Contact person Department for Business and Transfer is the central interface between the university and the local economy. We support the creation of new partnerships in the fields of further education and professional training, right up to research. Furthermore, we also contribute towards enhancing the region’s development. Our precise knowledge
  • 1449. Research and Project Coordination
    Date: 11.03.2020
    Department for Research and Project Coordination Department for Research and Project Coordination The Department for Research and Project Coordination supports applied research at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern, from applications for R&D projects, to presenting findings, right up to evaluating the findings; provides strategic support in
  • Benefits for Businesses The Hochschule Kaiserslautern sees itself as a regionally rooted university, and as such, KOSMO focuses on local businesses, especially small to mid-sized companies in Westpfalz and the surrounding regions. The cooperative/dual study model is geared towards companies hoping to address young talent; their future skilled wor
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